Hi I am Thomas from Siemens in Austria. I am tryin...
# welcome
Hi I am Thomas from Siemens in Austria. I am trying to set up a monorepo with CI and I stumbled upon pants and thought it looks promising. Currently I am looking for a plugin for docker 🙂
👋 3
Hi! Welcome to the Pants community. As of 2.7.x do have Docker support!
🙌 2
Out of curiosity, how did you stumble across Pants?
I googled something with "python monorepo" and stumbled upon pants because of some medium articles that came up 🙂
👍 1
Oh cool! Welcome. Feel free to ask questions, give feedback, raise suggestions, make feature requests, etc. Everyone is very open to giving whatever help is useful. 🙂 By the way, feel free to add Siemens to the new Who Uses Pants page. We're very excited to be launching that soon. https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1629839552346400