Hey guys! :wave: I'm Marcelo, Lead developer at re...
# welcome
Hey guys! 👋 I'm Marcelo, Lead developer at reciTAL and currently maintaining uvicorn. We have a lot of FastAPI services on polyrepos, and I'll be in charge of the transition to a monorepo using Pants. Nice to meet you! 😁🙌
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Hey Marcelo! Definitely keep us updated on that journey and do share ways that Pants could better help you, like feature requests etc 🙂 We're really interested in how to better empower teams to make changes like that What's your strategy so far for the migration?
I'm currently creating the migration script (I don't want to block anyone on this transition). I spent a lot of time deciding the build system, and a lot of other details.
I'm going to merge for now 9 repositories (microservices + packages + helm chart). If everything looks cool, I'm going to migrate all our projects.
It's a lot of work to migrate all. So step by step 🙌
So step by step
We're really big into incremental migrations, too. We're trying hard to allow you to incrementally adopt Pants, although still have some improvements to make. And we want Pants to facilitate incremental tool adoption etchttps://blog.pantsbuild.org/introducing-pants-2-5/ Are you planning to merge all 9 at once? If so, I wonder if you could start with merging two as a test run to reduce risk
Yeah. It looks like risky, but those services are not in production yet, so it looks a good sample.
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And well, those are the beginning.
I'll let you know how it goes in the next days. :)
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Welcome and thanks for sharing your journey with the community! Users and maintainers alike learn a great deal from the details of such transitions.