Hi, I'm trying out Pants for one of my personal pr...
# welcome
Hi, I'm trying out Pants for one of my personal projects, which was previously managed by an assortment of hacky shell scripts, etc. It's all Python, with protobufs. And I've already been using pex stand-alone for some time now. So Pants seemed like a perfect fit. It's a pretty small monorepo, but I've been really impressed by how easy adoption was.
👋 8
Awesome, glad to hear! And hopefully it will be easier for the folks after you - @ancient-vegetable-10556 is leading a project to rewrite our onboarding docs to be easier to follow, and fewer jumping around pages
Good to hear that the adoption path worked well for you! It's an area we're trying to improve further.
That is indeed great to hear. @cool-printer-74432 would it be okay to quote you on Pants' Twitter account, either with or without attribution? We love to share these from time to time, because users' own experiences with Pants really are much more compelling than our understandably biased perspective as its maintainers.
@busy-vase-39202 Sure, no attribution needed. (And sorry for the slow reply!)
No problem, and thanks very much!