Hiya! A client of mine is using Pants for their bu...
# welcome
Hiya! A client of mine is using Pants for their build system and has asked me to help with some troubleshooting and recommendations for best practices. So I am here to learn the ways of the Pants.
👋 7
👖 2
Nice to meet you! Please do feel free to ask as many questions as you need to. We take pride in being a responsive and friendly community. By the way, we always welcome feedback on how to make the docs more useful, especially for newcomers. @ancient-vegetable-10556 is currently leading a project to overhaul onboarding in the docs, so it's great timing to contribute thoughts. P.S. If your client's company is not already on the Who Uses Pants page, feel free* to encourage them to self-add using the link at the bottom of that page. (*no pressure) Cheers!