regarding the 2.12 release:
# development
regarding the 2.12 release:
i’ve started on the release blog
but i also fixed two more issues that i’d like to pick today: so i’m thinking one more rc today
@hundreds-father-404: how much do you think that we would be leaving un-audited if we released on Monday?
as in, un-audited docs? quite a bit. I haven't even started updating 2.12 docs for 2.12 changes. According to git, 2.11 and 2.12 are nearly identical
can you assign me about 1/3 of the 2.12 audit? i think that i should have time.
Sure, how about you do JVM, Go, Shell, Docker, and Helm? That leaves me Python + Plugin API + general docs
will do. thanks.
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This is the doc I use to keep track of each page. Feel free to fork 2.12 tab when you're ready
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also imo we should not start 2.12 docs updates until 2.11 is done. I have probably one more hour of catching up, then will switch to picking that up again If you're free, it would be helpful to do some of those, e.g. Docker audit
ok, all of the 2.12 picks are out. will do a 2.12 rc once they land, and work on the release blog and docs audit before next week
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how did you create the list of titles? it’s missing some pages
manually. indeed, 2.12 does not have new pages added yet
also note I haven't finished the 2.11 audit yet, we need to do that first
it seems like maybe this would be easier to do the other way around… by searching for keywords based on the commit log, and then updating the relevant pages?
indeed, that is another approach and one of the biggest reasons I wanted in-repo docs. Searching was not possible before
but this all is temporary imo. Moving forward, we will update docs at the same time as making code changes. So no need to retroactively audit what is stale
ok. i’ll scan the commit log for the topics above then probably.
because even just updating the titles in this sheet seems like a losing battle
…maybe starting with 2.12… finish checking the boxes for 2.11.
I think we should use the sheet for 2.11 and at least 2.12, given that we did not update docs at same time as code -- I don't feel confident a per-commit approach will catch everything
how could it not?
if our search isn't exhaustive enough. although I suppose that we would have that same problem with the new approach moving I guess we're depending on the quality of our searches
i don’t think that we have the resources for the swiss cheese approach of re-auditing things that haven’t changed multiple times in case we missed something the first time
Okay, per-commit sounds good for 2.12 and 2.13. Maybe we split it up that you take 1-2 dev releases?
(after we finish 2.11, which seems like a precursor)
i would be great if there were better verticals to slice it on, but yea: by dev releases makes sense.
i’ll grab some of the rows in the 2.11 sheet… let me know if you’re already on them.
thank you. I am not -- trying to fix code issues with the release branches first
pages (e.g. are common across all versions, right?
but we still audit them to see if changes were necessary, e.g. did we add a new language
yea. will just be a direct-in-Readme edit
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@hundreds-father-404, @bitter-ability-32190: do you think that python resource inference should go on the generic page, or only on a python page?
probably python page, but idk where it would go in python 🤔 and then have a toolbox in generic page that cross refernces python page, maybe?
really, we should have a dedicated dependency inference page for Python imo, which talks about things like string imports & asset inference not sure now is the time to restructure that though
I don't really like the
organization that (I think) I introduced way back ago
I really wish I had time to improve the inference code as well 😞
we could also not document it for now, but we should make a GH ticket to track it
yea, i put it down as a TODO in the auditing.
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ok: i’m done with 2.11 docs. will work on 2.12 and the 2.12 release blog on Monday.
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thank you! are there any PRs you have to post for 2.11? I'll switch mine to review mode
there was only one: already posted, but will need picks.
Okay cool. How do you want to split up 2.12? You do x number of releases and I do the rest?
@witty-crayon-22786 to clarify, did you do the pages for 2.11 that weren't assigned to you already? like
Using Pants -> Setting up IDE
? They are not marked as
in the spreadsheet
no, i only did the ones i marked
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