I am very excited about the <docs> being available...
# development
I am very excited about the docs being available as markdown files in the repository! I’ve been meaning to go through them (I need to catch up on what’s new anyway!) and tidy up markdown/fix typos/formatting. I’ve read through the design doc and my understanding is that it’s safe to raise PRs with changes to the
directory files (without doing any manual work on readme.com at all)?
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AFAIK, yeah!
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Yes, that is correct! One thing I really wanted to do is find a tool to auto-wrap lines. Readme.com's
uses a single line for the entire paragraph, so there is lots of horizontal scrolling when looking at the
file 😕 I have to imagine there is an automated tool to fix that, but I couldn't find any
this is amazing! FWIW I try to use https://sembr.org/ whenever I can. I’ll explore a bit on tooling to break long lines, it feels like there should be some package that would do this for us
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Thanks!! Btw we're still cherry-picking a lot from
to 2.11, 2.12, and 2.13. So it is helpful to cherry-pick big disruptive changes like formatting to all 4 branches. That avoids merge conflicts when we cherry-pick
of course! I’ll communicate any big changes before submitting anything to avoid merge conflicts and confusion. For now, it will only be minor fixes. I’ve seen many things that I wanted to fix or provide a tiny improvement, but readme.com was just too tedious for me. On a tangent, is it possible to skip building CI for 30 mins when submitting markdown changes? I know we can skip rust and building wheels, but what about this use case? 😕
(I think there's room for improvement for CI, but Rome wasn't built in a day. I think in the future our CI story will be improved w.r.t. all facets, including CI)
So, grab a coffee? Or try doing sodoku? 😛
I am more concerned with an environmental impact of the data centres 😞 waiting is no problem, my backlog for Pants related tickets in my repo is full 😄
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On a tangent, is it possible to skip building CI for 30 mins when submitting markdown changes? I know we can skip rust and building wheels, but what about this use case? 😕
We want to improve this, but haven't had the time. If you are interested, this would be a very high impact change to make The gist of the change is that we should stop using those
[ci skip-rust]
labels, which have lots of downsides. Instead, use GitHub Action's built-in support to skip jobs if certain files have not changed
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see https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/15826 for some other followup as well
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