On my machine, `scie-pants` reliably takes 150ms l...
# development
On my machine,
reliably takes 150ms less than the pants script - which is fantastic!
⛷️ 1
😲 2
🎉 5
Now... we're only about 600ms away from shell completions running directly on the
./pants help
command, without being infuriating to use Or... some sort of help cache
Not surprising, but happy to note that in-repo plugins appear to be picked up as well:
Copy code
⏺ scratch/pants-plugins % ./pants help swift                                                                                                                                                                               

`swift` subsystem options

The Swift programming language (<https://www.swift.org/>).

Compilation occurs via the underlying LLVM front-end. ie. "swift-frontend -frontend", through `swiftc` See <https://www.swift.org/swift-compiler/> for more information.
Activated by experimental.swift
Config section: [swift]
  --swift-swiftc-search-paths="['<str>', '<str>', ...]"
      default: [
      current value: [
      A list of paths to search for Swift.
      Specify absolute paths to directories with the `swiftc` binary, e.g. `/usr/bin`. Earlier entries will be searched first.
      The special string `"<PATH>"` will expand to the contents of the PATH env var.

⏺ scratch/pants-plugins % ./scie-pants-macos-x86_64 help swift 
11:57:21.79 [INFO] Initialization options changed: reinitializing scheduler...
11:57:22.96 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.

`swift` subsystem options

The Swift programming language (<https://www.swift.org/>).

Compilation occurs via the underlying LLVM front-end. ie. "swift-frontend -frontend", through `swiftc` See <https://www.swift.org/swift-compiler/> for more information.
Activated by experimental.swift
Config section: [swift]
  --swift-swiftc-search-paths="['<str>', '<str>', ...]"
      default: [
      current value: [
      A list of paths to search for Swift.
      Specify absolute paths to directories with the `swiftc` binary, e.g. `/usr/bin`. Earlier entries will be searched first.
      The special string `"<PATH>"` will expand to the contents of the PATH env var.
🙌 1