hey, folks! I have found out about Pants when sear...
# welcome
hey, folks! I have found out about Pants when searching for a monorepo build system. At my workplace, I am working on bringing Pants to a pure Python monorepo each having distinct but related and dependent projects. I run Pants in Jenkins and so far have made a really good progress by running the test, lint, and package goals. The Pants documentation is really good, easy to navigate and very practical and comprehensive. It looks like it will let us do pretty much everything we need in terms of the monorepo management, so I am investing a lot of time and effort in having it set up and used effectively.
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Hey Alexey, thanks for saying hi, and glad to hear you've had a good experience so far! If you have any questions, or run any difficulties, feel free to post them in #general and we'll do our best to help.
Welcome @fresh-cat-90827 and thank you for the contributions you've already been making to the docs. Your eagle-eyes are much appreciated. Please do feel welcome to do more. How did you hear about Pants, and what's your favorite feature so far? We recently started doing developer relations outreach, so it helps to know where we're succeeding in reaching the people who benefit most.
hey @busy-vase-39202! I am happy to contribute on the docs, that was easy. I’ll continue submitting small fixes. Thank you guys so much for working on the Pants and developing it further, this is a life changer. We found out about Pants when doing research online for a tool that would help us managing a Python monorepo. As I said earlier, the intended use of Pants is to run it in the CI (Jenkins) and of course developers can use it locally when running tests and everything else. I really like how easy is it to bring projects gradually into Pants and how little metadata is needed to add. I also had a great experience finding answers to most of my questions simply by referring to the documentation, I think it’s really solid. I’ve started by reading it from cover to cover making some notes — that was a useful exercise because I now know where to look for answers. In terms of future development, I won’t benefit from having Pants supporting additional languages as my focus is on Python. I really miss the
formatter subsystem — unless this is on your roadmap, I guess I’d need to work on a plugin (trying to replicate the
one). In terms of the best feature, I’d say probably caching — I think the develop/test/fix cycle is going to be much shorter which should boost developer productivity.
Thanks! We definitely take feature requests from the community, so feel free to open an issue and make a case for
. We love Python too, as you can tell, so are happy to get suggestions for how to make Pants' Python support even better. Maintainers also often offer to pair with community members working on their first contribution to Pants. So if you're interested in making a plugin, do ask for whatever support would usefully facilitate it.
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