Welcome <@U026ZV6HB2M> <@U026QCTUX5Y><@U026SPKFRNF...
# welcome
Welcome @curved-furniture-94140 @alert-airplane-2123@powerful-boots-1234@nice-france-74763@future-keyboard-59522! We invite you to say a little something about yourself, and mention how you heard of Pants. You'll be helping us improve outreach to future Pants fans. Thanks!
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Hi, I'm a developer with experience in Python, Java, C++, and a few other languages. I heard of Pants from the Pycon 2021 talk. I think I had seen a few projects using it before then. It was interesting because we need something like Maven or Cargo for Python.
Oh cool! Was that @happy-kitchen-89482's Pycon talk about off-label Python use in Pants, or @hundreds-father-404's Pycon talk in Spanish about native extensions? Either way, glad to have you join us. Have you gotten to try out the Python example repo yet? (JVM support, including of course Pants 2 dependency inference, is currently under active development.)
It was @happy-kitchen-89482 in English. I speak some Spanish but not enough to follow a technical talk. 🙃 I saw the example repo but I'm not using java ATM. I find it doesn't play nicely with other ecosystems so I'd rather not touch it when working with python.
Are you using Pants now? I love learning how people are using it, and what's on their wishlist for making it more useful for their use cases. We place a lot of priority on paying close attention to community feedback, so do know you're always invited to offer suggestions, make requests, open PRs, etc. 🙂
Oh hey @powerful-boots-1234 I just realized this is your doing: https://github.com/ehiggs/pants-poetry-test-repos Thank you! ❤️
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We aren't using pants yet, but we do have a repo we need to chop up. We currently use poetry because we need a lockfile and pip/requirements.txt don't handle that. We also don't use poetry export since it doesn't work reliably (I mean I tried it on our project but it just errorred out when I tried to use the exported requirements.txt). So I'm really hopeful for the pants/poetry integration.
👋 I first heard about pants as an intern at foursquare in ~2015 — I wasn’t working with Pants, but most of the other interns complained about Scala compile times constantly 😄 These days I work in the build/developer experience space for mobile engineers — mostly on an iOS Swift project that builds with Bazel, an Android Kotlin/Java project that builds with Gradle, and a Python project that builds with Pants.
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I can vouch for those devs. Scala build times are crazy. But I do love Maven for being reliable and doing things so well. I quite like the declarative style of Maven and Cargo. I prefer it to the scripty approach of Gradle.
Hi @alert-airplane-2123! Haha one of my colleagues at Toolchain, @hundreds-father-404, is a Pants maintainer who started as a Foursquare intern. Heck, for all I know you two used to work together. And of course Pants and Toolchain co-founder @happy-kitchen-89482 is another Foursquare veteran.
Indeed! I was 2018, so I think we missed each other. I was one of the interns complaining about Pants v1! Mostly because I found BUILD files confusing and clunky, pre dependency inference My personal objective for Pants is to make it so intuitive and enjoyable/productive that summer interns love Pants 🙂
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Pants 2: No Complaints Edition ;-)
*Pants 2: developer joy edition 🙂 no complaints ain't good enough imo
fwiw, in Britain, pants means 'really bad'. My (scottish) partner laughs when I tell her I'm working with the pants build tool.
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A bit like git, I guess 😄
"I named both of my projects after myself." --Linus 🤣
I have some Google News saved searched for Pants+Python. Which is how it has come to my attention that every couple of months someone finds an actual live Python snake chilling in a clothing shop or someone's wardrobe. Yikes.