Hi and welcome <@U02KV8MKTN1>! We invite you to sa...
# welcome
Hi and welcome @freezing-vegetable-92896! We invite you to say a little something about you and your organization, and how you heard of Pants. You'll be helping us improve outreach to future Pants fans. Thanks so much!
I work at Tesla in the Energy division. Our team has a "pseudo-monorepo" that is getting big enough to need better tooling. I had used bazel on a previous team and was seeing the need for something similar on our current team, but not seeing the team buy in on maintaining all those build files. I found Pants googling around for Bazel alternatives with better python support and the dependency inference is what made the decision for me
👋 1
Ah, a classic scenario for a new Pants user; so you're in good company with others here in Pants community! The OSS project is very open to feedback, ideas, requests, doc improvement, PRs, etc. We consider it all valued contributions. https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C01SPQQ2WK1/p1635955498081900?thread_ts=1635946385.081400&amp;cid=C01SPQQ2WK1 So do feel free to elaborate on your needs as you explore. Cheers!
P.S. Please do add yourself to Who Uses Pants https://www.pantsbuild.org/page/who-uses-pants Thanks!