Hello team! I am an engineering manager for a cryp...
# welcome
Hello team! I am an engineering manager for a crypto exchange in Australia called Swyftx. I use Typescript for basically everything at the moment because that's what Swyftx uses. but my preferred ecosystem Is Go, stumbled upon Pants when trying to find any Go tools that could support Typescript too for a side project. I really liked how I could use Pants for Go but wished I could use it for Typescript too
👋 3
On our recent community roadmap 2022 survey, JS/TS was the most requested language to add next. It's definitely a priority. But to make that a reality we'll need help from community members like you: people who know the ecosystem better, and have a driving use case to build a spec around. I'm thrilled that you're interested in getting involved. (For others who interested too, check out https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1649848376512309)