:wave: , myself, <@U03D9403V26> <@U03DYSCC01E> and...
# welcome
👋 , myself, @wonderful-greece-18369 @better-car-95744 and @cold-soccer-63228 are platform engineers from Valon. we build a lot of the internal tools that the rest of our engineers use to do their jobs.
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Neat! How did you hear about Pants, and are you already using Pants?
we've been evaluating various monorepo toolsets (e.g. bazel, buck, etc) and pants won our initial exploration 🙂 we're currently still prototyping so not yet really using pants
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Very common for new adoption to start with a proof of concept and then use incremental adoption to ease in. We always welcome questions, ideas, feedback, bug reports, and of course (if so inclined) PRs. Our goal is to make Pants the modern build system for a wide range of real-world use cases. So feel free to speak up about your use case, where you are in the exploratory process, and any challenges ahead.
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