Welcome <@U03THBJJ3GA> <@U03TPTJB90T> <@U03TWPWH8A...
# welcome
Welcome @purple-answer-73407 @boundless-zebra-79556 @late-ram-12573 @average-flag-94768! We invite you to say a little something about yourself, your company, and what motivated you to take a closer look at Pants. You'll be helping us improve future outreach — thanks so much. 🙂
Hey, I'm a software engineer focusing on infrastructure and developer productivity, I was invited to this space by @rapid-bird-79300 who is a coworker. I heard the pants community is amazing. I have no previous experience with Pants but I'm very curious about it and will start using it soon.
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Welcome! Did he tell you about the InfoQ interview he did? https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1659990709714019 ❤️
yes, Nick did a very good job - I would want to hear more podcast with him
Haha same. I'm hoping when y'all over there are less busy that we can do exactly that.
Hi. I'm just slightly annoyed at how long (20mins) our current build process for python microservices in docker takes using poetry. They have some commonality using a local path dependency which was also slightly annoying to work around with docker layer caching. I am hoping pants will speed up the build considerably. Although I am currently having issues with lock-file generation hanging forever.
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Welcome @average-flag-94768! I'm glad to see your post in #general about lockfile generation has already gotten a solution and ETA from John Sirois. Once he's got that released, please do let us know how it worked out for you. The project relies on user feedback, so we really value getting that.
Hi all! Sorry was too busy getting my first PR out 🙂 I work for a small early-stage drug discovery company called Anagenex. We are a python-heavy shop so I'm very excited to work to introduce Pants build to the company and be more involved in the project.
❤️ 1
A PR already! What a nice way to say hello. 😉 Thank you for your contribution! Please do let us know if there's anything we can do to ease your company's migration, or if there are any questions or concerns we can address for your team. We're happy to have a chat.