Hey :slightly_smiling_face: it’s been a while, but...
# welcome
Hey 🙂 it’s been a while, but we’re again trying to integrate pants into our repo. I’m very much looking forward to getting up to speed quick, as our architecture hasn’t changed and I got the chance to play around with the
-backend in the meantime. We’re still building a B2B SaaS for Customer Intelligence based on analysis of publicly available company data. I’m always happy to chat, about work, bouldering or other stuff, so hit me up if you’re interested. ps: Hope you’re all fine and nobody’s upset about my sudden disappearance in March this year. The plan was to come back after we settled a bit more 🙂
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Hello! Not at all upset 🙂 And in general, we don't get offended when people decide Pants isn't the right fit for them -- ultimately our goal is for people to have a joyful experience with builds, however they pull that off. (Although we do always hope to learn from peoples' experiences) Please let us know how we can help you out!
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I come prepared 😄 … we’ve created a roadmap of what our pants integration should cover before we fully switch. I’m a little excited because I know most of the features my devs ask for pants can do 💪 . Now comes the time of digging and running into some of the error messages I got way back. If I’m stuck, I’ll definitely come back to that offer 🤗
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First passing tests Learning: Don’t use Django-abbreviations for apps: bad:
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thank you @sparse-lifeguard-95737 for mentioning that in a thread 🙌
@hundreds-father-404 @busy-vase-39202 what’s a good way to share my learnings in a persisted fashion rather than just here? I read about a django-issue on pants somewhere or Benjy mentioning a pants-plugin for django, is there something like this already?
let's re-appropriate this issue to become a laundry list of better Django support. And then we'll break out appropriate smaller tickets from there. https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/5637 Any feedback is hugely helpful!