Welcome <@U0449UYA63Z> <@U044KTEB754>! We invite y...
# welcome
Welcome @quick-match-89174 @high-magician-46188! We invite you to say a little something about yourself, your company, and what motivated you to take a closer look at Pants. You'll be helping us improve future outreach — thanks so much.
Sure, So we have a mono-repo which is Python-only and has 52 packages. Up until now it was running using an infra that I’ve written. The current implementation handles building wheels, and (Docker) images, testing on multiple versions of Python, managing venvs, build-caching, etc. I’m hoping to delete my implementation completely in favour of Pants. I’m stating by setting up linting & formatting, and assuming it goes well, I’ll try to convert the Wheel building, then testing, and eventually the image building. I’ve originally compared Pants v1, Bazel and Buck and decided that none of them was a good fit. However, I’ve wanted to give Pants a go ever since I first saw the announcement of Pants v2. As for motivation, the main benefits for us are: • Documentation. • Active maintenance and development. • Much more mature optimisations (like the remote building and cacheing, and fine-grained invalidation).
👋 2
Sounds right. Pants 1, Bazel, and Buck have very similar designs and inspirations, and were each designed around essentially a single large company's use case. Whereas Pants 2 set out to be a major design departure, and is intentionally developed by a community committed to keeping it a flexible system that addresses a wide range of use cases so that it's mostly bending to you instead of you bending to, say, Pants 1's or Bazel's will. If Pants 2 turns out to be good fit, but imperfect fit, do have a chat with us about your needs. We're always interested in discussing how to make Pants adaptable to a greater range of real world use cases.
You've seen the incremental adoption guide, yep? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/existing-repositories
Yes, I have, thanks 🙂 Also I’m getting a lot of help and useful tips in #general (in a thread) ❤️
Glad to hear it!