Hi all. I'm evaluating Pants for a new python cen...
# welcome
Hi all. I'm evaluating Pants for a new python centric monorepo for our backends here at Tastemade. 🙂 I could probably make a workable monorepo with just poetry and some custom scripting, but the promises of better tooling built atop pants and pex are pretty interesting. So I want to dig in deeper. I've been working in isolation just getting a feel for it and wonder if I'm developing a love-hate relationship so far... <_<
👋 4
We’ll try and nudge you towards “love” if we can 🙂
I'm hopeful! 🙂
Cool, welcome! Which aspects are you most loving and most hating so far? Maybe we can help shift the ratio for you. 🙂 I saw your feedback in #general, by the way. Thank you!
I love a lot of the promise and vision I can see. Also the ability to pull in additional parts of the overall stack over time. However, there's some challenges in carrying over concepts that we're used to working with and there's some things that would force me to rewrite sections of the framework to account for limitations introduced by pants.
Rewrite of Pants' framework, or your framework? Hopefully we've got a solution less extreme than doing either. 🤞
ours. We're building up a microframework based on sqlalchemy, dramatiq, fastapi, and a few other choice libraries.
the biggest code change I've been considering that would be heavily influenced by pants is our settings/config system. Given this is the second or third piece I've been experimenting porting to this though, I'm not sure how many other systems would be impacted.
A small word of caution: Pants is intended to work with whatever code structure works best for you. Obviously there's a bit of shuffling some things around. But if you find yourself feeling need to do dramatic rearchitecting just to take advantage of Pants, it's worth doing a quick sanity check in slack. Developer joy is a core value over here, so we wouldn't want you knocking head against wall unnecessarily.