Hello <@U051221NF> - I heard about Pants via your ...
# welcome
Hello @happy-kitchen-89482 - I heard about Pants via your excellent interview on Talk Python. I work at a large educational place and I’ve been in Python for a while. I’m thinking of learning Pants through a small project of automating a static site publication workflow (it uses Hugo & render.com). Any pointers as to where to start in the simplest way would be appreciated.
👋 4
Hi! Glad you enjoyed the podcast! I enjoyed being a guest.
Could you start a discussion at https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/discussions describing your current workflow in more detail, and how you’re hoping Pants could enhance it?
Thank @happy-kitchen-89482. Does this mean that questions should go on GitHub discussions rather than Slack?
It's not required. It just means we think you've got a great general-interest question that's worth persisting discussion about. More context: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1666197576533279
Small questions, not necessarily, but this sounds like it could have “legs” that should outlive the ephemerality of slack
Got it - thanks @happy-kitchen-89482 & @busy-vase-39202 for the clarification!
Thanks for understanding, and our apologies for the inconvenience. 🙂