Is there any progress on the once-discussed idea o...
# development
Is there any progress on the once-discussed idea of being able to consume pre-built
when working on pants itself? For those of us not working on the engine, the need to rebuilt it every time we pull is a huge productivity drag.
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export MODE=debug
will save you minutes at the expense of a slightly slower pants...
ā˜ļø 1
What does that do?
it turns off optimizations in the cargo build
i would be a ridiculously huge fan of this
would we serve it from some s3 which gets populated by a travis run?
So we'd still be building the engine, it would just be a bit faster?
Yeah, we only need to populate it from master
come to think of it we already create it on S3 for every build
that's what i was thinking
i need to go to an appointment for an hour but i'll make an issue/pr about this if nobody else gets to it first
On my laptop, ā€œa bit fasterā€ is like a 9 minute difference on a clean buildā€¦
is there a reason we can't default
The problem with defaulting to
is is slows down pants sometimes like 10x, so people trying to use pants in source mode in large repos, or do any kind of benchmarking, will get really slow results, and it may not be obvious why. People should only need to re-build the rust stuff proportional to when we make rust changes, which is still pretty rare (the big kicker is every 6 weeks theyā€™ll need to clean build because we update rust versions)ā€¦.