```in practice I guess the first rule to trigger a...
# development
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in practice I guess the first rule to trigger a rule would be the acting parent of that triggered rule
I think this is how we want to view parent-child relation for v2, but I @average-vr-56795 and @witty-crayon-22786 may correct me or give more context
yea, i believe that that's how we've been looking at it.
it will be accurate "most of the time"
Currently all rules are children of a single workunit, and the remoting and store ones are children of the rule that triggered them
the reason i keep pointing to https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7907 though, is that we will almost certainly not want to track all nodes. which means the current workunit code is not where we want it to be. cc @happy-kitchen-89482
would look at that issue a bit longer, and then work backwards to where the workunits should be recorded. and then look at parents
+1 🙂
Yes, that's exactly what I'm looking at right now - which nodes to track.
Am I right that currently the zipkin traces get posted in bulk at the end of the pants run? Does zipkin generally support live updates of ongoing spans?
Does zipkin generally support live updates of ongoing spans?
yes: that's more conventional. people use message buses and etc
twitter internally uses Scribe, in general... but the upstream project deprecated that, and i don't know what they recommend now.
But right now Pants does not do so, and instead posts in bulk? That is my understanding of the code, but I am new to Rust so...
the bulk posting happens on the python side, using pyzipkin.
Is pushing data to the python side?
NM I'm figuring out the extern stuff now, so I think I get it
re: push vs pull: mostly python calls rust (via
), and rust calls python for only very basic primitives (via