me and <@UB2J9BQA0> are considering the possibilit...
# development
me and @hundreds-father-404 are considering the possibility that having
as a default ignore pattern in the
might be undesirable
why, what is getting ignored that shouldn’t be?
specifically now that we read from your
. My argument is that it will already ignore things like
that you don’t want The other argument is that it’s much easier to add to
than to take away
Stu, see We’ve been having a hell of a time to get the
folder read
Copy code
pants_ignore.add = ['!.ci']
part of the problem here is that the behavior of the gitignore matching library we use and how it interacts with various things pants does with the filesystem is confusing
we also need
build_ignore = ['!.ci']
is actually either broken there right now, or I misunderstand something about how the git ignore syntax works
but yea, i think the “reading the gitignore” support does maybe change the equation there.
one issue there though
is that I think most .gitignore files don't actually ignore .git itself
Yeah, they don’t. We’d for sure want to add
explicitly, and other popular VCS directories
another issue is that if a pants user is using a non-git vcs, some stuff might break unexpectedly
although I think we might say that we only explicitly support git?
git is one of those things where it's common enough that most people us it, but there's enough people not using it that we would like to not cause problems for them by accidentally relying on the presence of a
is that if a pants user is using a non-git vcs, some stuff might break unexpectedly
My argument here is that it’s easier for us to help a user fix this than it is to un-ignore something. Also, that it’s less likely of a problem than the problem Thales is having of “WTF is Pants not reading this. It exists!”
we also need 
build_ignore = ['!.ci']
we should definitely remove
from the default
if it is already in
👍 1
that might actually entirely solve his problem
except that it's a bit confusing (at least I think it's confusing) that we need to specify
and not
although I think we might say that we only explicitly support git?
I don’t think so.
won’t work, and you’ll have to use a bit more work for
. But otherwise no reason to require Git
that’s how gitignore syntax works, afaik
it actually might make sense to try to run pants in an environment without git, just to make sure there's nothing unexpected going on
👍 1
that's a bit tangential to this conversation though
it actually might make sense to try to run pants in an environment without git, just to make sure there’s nothing unexpected going on
This is the type of stress testing we need to do for 2.0. Try to break Pants as much as we can
anyway yeah if we remove
from teh --build-ignore defaults, then all we have to do to solve thales' problem is make sure
is in the --pants-ignore, which is sensible enough
Definitely better. I’d still recommend removing
from the default for
to be an explicitly enumerated list like
[.git, .svn]
But yeah, at least that’s an improvement
I'm gonna put a PR for the first one. the second one might or might not be a good idea, I think we should think a bit more if we can come up with a good explicitly enumerated list of common dot-dirs
👍 1