did we have a reason for removing the `blocked` fl...
# development
did we have a reason for removing the
flag on
in https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/master/src/rust/engine/process_execution/src/lib.rs#L491 ? @witty-crayon-22786 I think you might've touched this code?
we originally added this variable in order to make it so that processes that were being blocked by the
wouldn't show up in the dynamic UI @happy-kitchen-89482 . but I think that's happening now since that variable is no longer there
that's actually the only place we're using the
flag so if it was removed for a good reason we should also remove the code in
that handles it. but then we'd need some other solution for the problem of processes showing up in the dynamic UI whose time counts down from when they were scheduled as opposed to when they started running
@hundreds-breakfast-49010: the number of swimlanes is equal to the number of process execution slots, so you should never see a queued process there
but i don’t actually recall removing it
This is true, but a given test in the swimlanes has a running time that starts when the first test started, not from when that test entered the swimlane.