<@UB2J9BQA0>: re: `Starting` messages for test pro...
# development
@hundreds-father-404: re:
messages for test processes
not critical, but they were useful to have in CI
it sounds like maybe we mark the
, and then silence the workunits created by the
…mm. ok, it’s higher level than that:
Copy code
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I think that the
might work. Set it on the
and we can’t rely on the
that produces that workunit to tell us when it has started, for two reasons: 1) it’s not under the process lock so it doesn’t know that it has actually started, 2) the
won’t know its own identity when it starts
the @rule won’t know its own identity when it starts
Oh, yeah, I think
only impacts some things like stacktraces, but not the “Starting” message
+1 also that what we really want is to say “starting” when it’s the subprocess. Not the rule.
the Params probably should be usable in the workunit description via templating, yea. but still have to worry about (1)
This is probably a design smell, but might we want something like?
Copy code
constructor can take
. If you only do
, then it will automatically set the other two.
the bounded commander runner lock is basically in the optimal spot right now, (un)fortunately. if we moved it “higher” so that preparatory rules didn’t even start running until there were slots available, we’d potential block preparatory work from starting, and then only run it under the lock
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https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C0D7TNJHL/p1601326901051300?thread_ts=1601326361.048700&amp;cid=C0D7TNJHL maybe… unclear. it’s really nice that explicit log messages are mostly not necessary because the workunit ends up containing this info. but this is a sticky problem, because only the `Process`’s workunit(s) know when it is actually running. cc @hundreds-breakfast-49010
@hundreds-father-404 we already have a mechanism for altering the level of a workunit while it is running
it's one of the engineaware methods
@hundreds-breakfast-49010: yes, but see the other context in the thread
what's the problem we're trying to solve with
did we remove starting messages somehow?
that’s described at the top of the thread
is marked debug
but this is a sticky problem, because only the Process’s workunit(s) know when it is actually running
I think that keeping the log message on the
is correct. The
also has access to the information it needs: the file/target it’s running on Imo, it seems like this is about a need to have the
be INFO at its start, but DEBUG at completion
and the rules above it are also. they only lift their levels as they complete
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this sounds like we're trying to use the concept of a workunit's level for something it wasn't intended for
it sounds like a workunit isn't actually the level of granularity we want for logging information about it
because we're trying to tune specific workunits by setting their level to something else, and then realizing that this is silencing other useful logging messages
@hundreds-father-404: i think that i agree. i wonder if pushing
down far enough would allow us to actually configure completion info for the
@hundreds-breakfast-49010: i’m not sure that they’re the wrong tool yet, per-se… because at a fundamental level, it is the start and end of the process itself that we care about here
but we can’t push the information/logic that we want low enough to get it attached to the Process’s workunit
what information/logic is that? I'm still not sure exactly what change happened
would allow us to actually configure completion info for the Process ?
I don’t think we want this. Right now, streaming of test results is done in
. When you’re adding a new test implementation, you’ll get it working correctly no matter what. That’s important
we made
workunits DEBUG instead of INFO, and that got rid of the "Starting" message for
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and the processes were moved to Debug, so you don’t get logs for them starting/finishing, but you do see them in the dynamic UI
why were they moved to Debug?
To clarify, the reason we moved the
to Debug is that it’s really noisy for us to say
Completed process
and then immediately after stream the result via
, which uses
But, in a perfect world, we would still say “Starting process”. Just not the “Completed” part
why's that? that seems like two conceptually-separate messages
"pants finished executing some process" and "here is the result of a test"
@hundreds-father-404: but also, only if it failed, right?
maybe the answer is to move test Processes back to info, and just have redundancy only for failed tests?
i think that Benjy made the swap to “only dump output on failure”, and that has been a good default.
“pants finished executing some process” and “here is the result of a test”
From a user perspective, the implementation detail would be leaking imo. There isn’t any new informtation gained by saying “completed process” and then immediately after “here’s the process output” Taking a step back from the current mechanisms, the user cares about this when
is set: * When the test run starts. * When the test run finishes, and what its status + output is, where output depends on the
option * Not too noisy.
but also, only if it failed, right?
No, we still need to say “test succeeded” vs. “test failed”. The
will only say “test finished running” but zero insight on what the result was
* When the test run finishes, and what its status + output is, where output depends on the 
yes, but the default is “only on failure”, in which case you get a ton of output, and the extra line is a non-issue i think.
ah. dang. yea.
I'm not sure the process bit of it is an implementation detail. users care about when the test run starts because they care about when the test process actually runs
which means they should care about when it stops running too, regardless of outcome
that's useful information about how long it takes to run one test process
if users didn't care about that, we could just make the entire
workunit DEBUG and not worry about when a given test started
which means they should care about when it stops running too, regardless of outcome
Yes, they do care about this. Strong agreement. But they already get that via
142421.68 [INFO] Completed: Run tests - src/python/pants/util/strutil_test.py:tests succeeded.
It would be confusing to get that and a message saying “Completed: Run tests for src/python/pants/util/strutil_tests.py:tests`. Why are you getting both? They say basically the same thing, but one is less helpful.
the second one is the workunit for the
so: how do we push down richer information or logic to the Process
so: how do we push down richer information or logic to the Process
Which I don’t think we want from a Plugin API perspective https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C0D7TNJHL/p1601327586055900?thread_ts=1601326361.048700&amp;cid=C0D7TNJHL Perhaps there is a way to make it more automatic though
@hundreds-father-404: so, ignoring the “tests” case for now (remains an open question… i’ll file a ticket), it looks like a lot of processes got moved to Debug at various times
protobuf, code coverage, etc.
i think that if we don’t have a particular
rendering for those (as in the test/lint/etc case), we should have those at info so that they get log output.
i’m currently looking at the CI issues that Asher/Tom experienced, and we don’t have much to show how long things took. (i’m still thinking that logging “some of” what the UI renders would be a good idea, but i don’t think it’s a replacement for the Started/Completed messages in most case)
we only log processes if they actually ran (ie, didn’t hit the process cache) so they’re not particularly noisy i don’t think.
I personally disagree. For example, Protobuf gets run dozens of times and I think it would be really noisy to get every single run. I do think though that the desired behavior changes between CI vs. locally. Locally, where you have a smaller terminal, I’m personally extra sensitive to noisy tools. You also already have the dynamic UI to show what’s going on. But in CI, it is more helpful to get a tasteful amount of logging
For example, Protobuf gets run dozens of times and I think it would be really noisy to get every single run.
only if the files have changed
i think that the variability here is automatically handled by the fact that you hit the cache for these processes… they’re only logged if they’re actually run, and that should only be your first run locally (per branch or w/e)
on your second run, if you’ve edited a protobuf file, then yes: you’ll see logging for the compiler running. that’s probably good though.
and that should only be your first run locally
I do think that we need to consider your very first run for Pants, though. Are you going to get 50 lines of logs that you have to parse through?
yes, and then (almost) never again.
(…tool/branch changes, etc.)
But I suppose that Bazel doesn't actually render a line per process either. Hm.
alright. i’ll just look into seeing what can play the role of
when it is disabled, and then we’ll see where we are afterwards.
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Yeah I think my takeaway from this convo is that
is more important than I thought. We don’t only want it to toggle the “Starting” message. For many workunits, we also want it to toggle the “Completed” message
That’s part of the reason with things like Protoc I’m opposed to promoting to INFO. When you have the dynamic UI, you already see that Protoc finished; I don’t think it’s important enough to persist in your terminal that it finished 12 times But, if you didn’t have the dynamic UI to see that it finished, such as in CI, then it is more useful to know that.
yea, i’m unclear on what the strategy for
will be (tweaking level vs finding a useful periodic thing that we can dump), but i think that i agree.
The strawman design that’s been floating in my head is to add a new type that allows you to customize how things appear in each context:
{dynamic ui x no_dynamic_ui} x {starting_level x ending_level}
The constructor would be ergonomic, such that you can only set
for example and it will do that for everything. Or, you can get fancier if you want tight control, like we want with
. What’s holding me back is that logging is already a little tricky to reason about. And it’s really easy for someone to accidentally change something and break things without realizing. This adds lots of permutations But then on the other side of my internal debate, I think it’s crucial we have an excellent UX for every edge case. Even if our code has to be complex to support it, I think that it’s worth it so that
isn’t too noisy, but also
is informative enough.
i’m hoping that there is something clearly useful that we can log in the
case that aligns the on/off case so that individual nodes don’t have to worry about that.
but yea, we’ll see.