I think I found a bug, it’s a funny one… So I ran ...
# development
I think I found a bug, it’s a funny one… So I ran my api with:
Copy code
FIXTURE_PORT=8080 ./pants run projects/dapi_fixture_api:dapi_fixture_api_pex
and that worked fine, hit it as expected, no issues there. Then I killed it with
and my terminal was back to normal… but when I tried running it again.. it said “Address already in use” and I go check and the API is still running 😐 and yup, it’s there on my
ps aux
Copy code
lzfnyy           85055   0.0  0.4  4415100  61256   ??  S     4:09PM   0:25.07 /Users/lzfnyy/.pyenv/versions/3.7.8/bin/python3.7 /Users/lzfnyy/Projects/clueless/.pants.d/tmpw5l_14lu/dapi_fixture_api_pex.pex
sorry. we’ve had perennial issues with ctrl+c handling. i’m going to make some changes soon (as part of #7654) that should fix a few things there
💯 1
No worries at all! Let me know if you want me to test / debug anything
sure thing. i’ve just updated https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/7654 with my work plan, and i’ll be starting on it today.