was on ```commit 189c9336236459d0397e2d0bcb4467e4f...
# development
was on
Copy code
commit 189c9336236459d0397e2d0bcb4467e4f5f8ca59
Author: Andreas Stenius <andreas.stenius@svenskaspel.se>
Date:   Sun Dec 12 19:38:46 2021 +0100

    Include `shell_source(s)` in `docker_image` build context. (#13761)
    Fixes #13756.
this worked fine:
Copy code
./pants run build-support/bin/changelog.py -- --prior 2.9.0.dev3 --new 2.9.0.dev4
then pulled main, now on
Copy code
commit 9762ff6b5dc8af8f9f6cf80e1c3b3d76ab3242fb (HEAD -> prep2.9.0.dev4, origin/main, main)
Author: Stu Hood <stuhood@gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Dec 13 09:55:47 2021 -0800

    [jvm] Use `immutable_inputs` to provide the compiletime classpath (#13862)
it seems stuck:
Copy code
$ ./pants run build-support/bin/changelog.py -- --prior 2.9.0.dev3 --new 2.9.0.dev4
10:22:44.50 [INFO] Filesystem changed during run: retrying `Run` in 500ms...
10:22:47.80 [INFO] Filesystem changed during run: retrying `Run` in 500ms...
10:22:51.74 [INFO] Filesystem changed during run: retrying `Run` in 500ms...
10:22:58.61 [INFO] Filesystem changed during run: retrying `Run` in 500ms...
10:23:03.88 [INFO] Filesystem changed during run: retrying `Run` in 500ms...
10:23:08.81 [INFO] Filesystem changed during run: retrying `Run` in 500ms...
Not blocked for now, so just reporting.
@wide-energy-11069: what is in
while it is reporting the filesystem changes?
(sorry for the trouble!)
lmk if more lines are needed
gist seems to be a broken link
can DM it if need be
hm… seems like maybe it’s catching up to a very large branch switch
could maybe just kill
and try again. sorry about that.
oh that could make sense. i’ve accidentally switch to ‘master’, which is very far from ‘main’ then switched back.