<@U0N6C2Q9F>, <@UB2J9BQA0>: howdy! re: jvm
# development
@fast-nail-55400, @hundreds-father-404: howdy! re: jvm
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i’m looking to start something for M2: i think that Tom is still wrapping up scalapb
@hundreds-father-404: do you think that you’ll have time to finish https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/13621 before we cut 2.9.0rc ?
if you have other things on your plate, i can pick it up.
i think that Tom is still wrapping up scalapb
yes, I’m working on the gRPC support for ScalaPB currently this afternoon.
It's my main priority. So long as we're fine deprioritizing other things like the Rust PyO3 blog, I think I should be able to do it in time
Otherwise if you want to take it, I can switch to any of the 3 other multiple lockfile tasks like switching to Pex
@hundreds-father-404: if you’ve already got some velocity on it, then having you finish it sounds great. let me know if there is anything i can do to help.
i’ll pick up
then probably
I honestly haven't done anything on it yet, was about to dive in once I finish catching up on code review from being out for a few days should I still start on it?
yes, i think so.
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if it’s looking tight for finishing it, let me know: it’s more important than what i’ll be on, so i’d be happy to pair whenever.
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