Considering how hard it is to use `--changed-since...
# development
Considering how hard it is to use
with generated targets, due to there being “too many” targets affected from a single source file, I’m playing with the idea to track the source lines of targets, so we can get more granular filtering for these targets. 🧵
👀 2
As a POC for myself, to see how feasible my approach is, I’ve hardcoded in some data:
Copy code
$ ./pants peek src/python/pants/bin:bin
18:44:35.91 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
18:44:43.22 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
    "address": "src/python/pants/bin:bin",
    "target_type": "python_sources",
    "definition_location": {
      "path": "src/python/pants/bin/BUILD",
      "start_line": 2,
      "end_line": 5
    "dependencies": [
The definition location here is hardcoded in the BUILD file parser only, then that is passed on all the way to peek via a `Target`…
so if this looks good, I can finish this up with tests and proper detection of source lines (hopefully without to big perf impact, in case this should be behind a ft toggle, perhaps)
as pre work for follow up work to offer finer grained filtering based on this data…
Is it not the case that --changed-since, even if it acts on 1 real target that produces 100 generated targets, already short circuits on all but the changed generated targets in downstream rules? Say the 2 out of 98 that are actually new? It should at a high level since the other 98 will mix into the same cache keys they mixed into on prior runs.
The purpose of using
(from my perspective) is to exclude targets from an operation, regardless of whether there exists a prior cached result or not. Say I want to package (and publish) all dists that have changed since a previous commit. With a single
file, that would be all dists that use any dep from those requirements, which is wrong. I’d prefer if I could filter out so only those dists that actually depend on a dep that was changed in that
file was published. Does that make sense?
But you have a good point, opeining up for an alternative approach to solve this, and that is to filter based on if there was a cache miss or not.. although that feels a bit fragile, and fails if you wipe the cache clean.
doing line change detection wouldn’t work for variables or methods, unfortunately…
what do you mean?
this is one of the dirty secrets of why 111 and “more BUILD files” in general ends up being a bit better in the end.
@curved-television-6568: if a target consumes a variable, and you change the variable, you’ve changed the definition of the target
this relates to, although that is going to be a significant undertaking
💯 1
Oh… I haven’t come across using variables in BUILD files yet.. but macros, being methods is of course an edge case I haven’t looked at yet
My mind is still on requirements.txt and the
plain and simple..
however I’m starting to realise this may be a rather naive approach to the problem… It was a fun half hour experiment, but I think I’ll leave it at that for the time being..
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I haven’t come across using variables in BUILD files yet.
Yeah, BUILD files are full-on Python. Just we ban
💯 1
Oh, so you could actually create classes and stuff.. 🤪 and use builtins like
? 🤔
You can indeed create classes if you really want hah. But they'd have to be defined to the local BUILD file because imports are banned. I think we do ban
given that it will mess up caching, we scan the AST for both
Ok, cool.