I'm wanting to reduce some boilerplate for linters...
# development
I'm wanting to reduce some boilerplate for linters/formatters, both in terms of in-function (repeating the tool name) and between the functions. My motivation is mostly because I want to add a field to
and think it's a shame that each linter will have to supply the field, even though they all supply it with the same expression. (There's also the "make linters/formatters easier" camp too) So I'm wondering if it'd be worthwhile to improve the rule parser to follow call-trees (still doing things "dumb"ly where it makes sense, nothing crazy) to allow for some re-use for this and many other cases. I don't think it'd be too difficult. 🤔 Thoughts? @witty-crayon-22786
I for one would love that (and have also pondered on the feasibility to implement something of the sorts..)
I think it's relatively easy, given some sane constraints (and error messaging), and remembering the point is to improve current art so it doesn't have to go the extra mile.
👍 1
I think I can whip up a PoC
PoC done (and looking good! 👍 )
🙌 1
Copy code
@rule(desc="Format with Black", level=LogLevel.DEBUG)
async def black_fmt(field_sets: BlackRequest, black: Black) -> FmtResult:
    return _run_black(field_sets, black, is_lint=False)
Copy code
joshuacannon@CEPHANDRIUS:~/work/pants$ ./pants help LintResults | grep black
10:08:38.82 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
10:08:39.20 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
    activated by pants.backend.python.lint.black
ooohhh… sweet ❤️
a regular function, then?
Next: Try and define a
template out-of-tool
Note: I know this muddies the rule graph, right now it's just for exposition.
Copy code
async def _run_black(
    field_sets: BlackRequest,
    black: Black,
    is_lint: bool,
) -> FmtResult | LintResults:
Cool.. right, it would have to be an async 🙉 😛
I think one big semantic change is that the
rule doesn't get memoized with the engine. It would be equivalent fwict to copying and pasting (inlining) all that code into both the
rules. I'm pretty sure that's okay, only something to be aware of I like that this allows you to DRY without having to create wrapper types because it's just an async function, not a proper rule
Do you have a WIP you can post for the parsing change? I'm curious how it works, including whether we follow imports
I like that this allows you to DRY without having to create wrapper types because it's just an async function, not a proper rule
Yeah that's the idea. Add the ability to make helpers, so all your code doesn't have to choose between "inline everything" or "rule overhead"
👍 1
Do you have a WIP you can post for the parsing change? I'm curious how it works, including whether we follow imports
I will once I do a smidge more smoke testing. And yes it follows imports (albeit dumbly)
Cool, that makes a lot of sense to want to optimize for. Lower the friction with making rules readable