regarding parameterization: <Eric’s comment yester...
# development
regarding parameterization: Eric’s comment yesterday highlighted that i had not considered
while finalizing the syntax with
first, followed by
. after thinking it through, i agree, and have updated the design doc to swap those back, and to add a section on the topic
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that does raise some questions though
in particular: if the
syntax isn’t going to allow arbitrary syntax (which i had been thinking might be one of its usecases, with the
case), then does it really need to be a separate syntax from
? or should we preserve the model that we have via CAOFs that generated targets are still targets, without necessarily needing an association with their generator?
this is relevant, because we’re about to change all python requirements from
…although it’s already the case that
allows more internal syntax than
does… because it supports URLs for
And we use the
snippet to locate where the generated target comes from. It also enforces disambiguation naturally Otherwise we need "address-less target generators" I think: Which involves lots of discussion + implementation work
sortof: the alternative would be to eagerly run all generators at AddressFamily expansion time. which was in effect already what was happening for CAOFs
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That eager expansion happens a lot more frequently now because of the change we made for specs to match generated targets
and because of inference. it will basically always happen.
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the “other syntaxes in generator names” bit remains challenging though. we probably don’t want to support arbitrary syntax in target names in general.
This is interesting, we should 100% block 2.10 on resolving this imo. What's interesting to me about this is that the target generator will still be addressable, unlike the "address-less target generators" thing. That was my least favorite part of the proposal, why you can sometimes do a thing and sometimes can't
i suppose that it also might eventually be useful for
to mark “completely synthetic targets”, if we start creating targets from scratch.
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i suppose that it also might eventually be useful for # to mark “completely synthetic targets”, if we start creating targets from scratch.
Meaning you want to reserve
for a different future use?
I'm also wondering what happens to file address syntax. If this means we drop the
suffix vs. leave it unchanged
the same use, really:
marking a target that doesn’t actually exist in a BUILD file. so if you generated a “default” scala toolchain Target, for example, you’d generate it with a
address like
or something.
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file address stays, imo. it’s too natural to remove.
While I don't love the verbosity of
rather than
, I do think there's some value to being able to easily trace where something is coming from. For example,
with stacktraces. And then, again, avoids the problem of
in the same repo. Which your design doc points out is an actual real issue, that macro authors etc need to reason about address disambiguation
also, i think that given its position in the address, the limitations on syntax inside of
aren’t really that bad… the only character you’d be forced to escape would be
ok. maybe we should keep it then. sorry, my knee jerk reaction to complexity here is to try and delete things, heh
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That's okay, that's my reaction too! I don't love how complex addresses have become, but I also do really think it's justified / a necessary evil. Less offensive than the alternatives
Agree it’s a healthy reaction, and always good to take a moment to reevaluate also “known truths”.
…argh. i’m spinning on this. looking more into the implementation of supporting
overrides={'': {"resolve": parameterize(..)}
, there are challenges:
while it would be great to be able to do it, i’m not sure that we can without either 1. making target generators “not real targets”… i.e., not giving them fields at all 2. having two levels of parameterization (
making target generators “not real targets”… i.e., not giving them fields at all
I've roughly proposed that in the past, but we can't to keep the alias mechanism +
./pants peek
yea… and your “generators are all macros” proposal, which i can’t find anymore.
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But yeah what makes sense in my head is that you're not actually parametrizing the generator're really parametrizing the generated targets. And overrides would override that.
Copy code
   resolve=parametrize("a", "b")
      "": {"resolve": "c"},
      "": {"resolve": parametrize("c", "d")},
should result in:
Copy code
that only works if the target generator has no fields itself: otherwise there is no clear choice of field for it.
Gah I do wish target generators weren't targets. My main insight is what Pants actually cares about are atom targets. We should do everything to make those atom targets as precise as possible. Everything else is only for boilerplate reduction
removing their fields would be a step in that direction, i suppose.
What would that look like?
you would still declare the Fields on the generator type, but they would never be passed to the constructor.
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…and so wouldn’t show up in
, etc.
oh. hm. maybe what this is instead is that the target generator chooses everything about construction, including which Fields to pass.
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because thirdparty targets still would want explicit requirements lists in some cases, tags, etc.
Yes I think so! Can't remember if I put the comment that I suspect parametrization must leak into target generation `@rule`s, and that is okay
frankly… they are super redundant right now, so diving in on that is both exciting and scary.
but yea
I think that when you parametrize a target generator, you aren't actually creating multiple copies of the target generator. You're signaling instead that its generation rule should create multiple copies of each generated target (unless overridden)
yea. given the redundancy, that’s going to take some refactoring. but yea.
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Target generators are already really weird, like how
exists both on the generator itself and all generated targets. So I don't think the above proposed semantics will be that confusing. The docs try to push really hard that core message about atom targets being what matters
ok. regarding generator targets becoming less significant: (mostly) removing their fields seems like a step in that direction, which would align with optionally (in the future) not creating them at all if they don’t have a name
I'm open to considering that, although not sure it's necessary? I guess it would be if you parametrize one of its fields..I wonder if we could work around that another way, like literally showing
parametrize("a", "b")
in the
./pants peek
for it. (although JSON serialization is a thing)
Also, I'm definitely open to making you do things like adding
to the
I’m open to considering that, although not sure it’s necessary? I guess it would be if you parametrize one of its fields..I wonder if we could work around that another way, like literally showing 
parametrize("a", "b")
 in the 
./pants peek
 for it. (although JSON serialization is a thing)
that, and the Field itself must actually be constructed (with some value)
I do think it's helpful to use
./pants peek
on target generators because it lets you programmatically understand your BUILD files. But I don't think that is as crucial as
working as described above