Bikeshed on using "`./pants` " is a user-visible s...
# development
Bikeshed on using "`./pants` " is a user-visible string ๐Ÿงต
In retrofitting this code to be static: We dynamically use the pants bin name, which is cool, but makes declaring it statically a bit harder. However, maaaaany (at least 100) other user-visible strings just hardcode
So, my vote would be to replace it with
, and then visit the whole repo on how best to "print" the bin name (E.g. an OS env var)
(if it's set)
I think there is value in being able to parameterize this
Although we cannot do so in practice in the online docs
๐Ÿค” also if the pants shim becomes a thing, it would become
without the dot-slash prefix. At least as a possible alternative..
I think if this was injected via other means (env var or sys.argv) you'd still get the online docs right, as you generate it dynamically not statically
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Another alternative is to just use
as it is the name of the module executing. However, that's likely more confusing.
yeah I really wish we could define a global constant
that you can use consistently, regardless of
message vs error message etc. Maybe we can if we'd consider dropping the proper global option and instead inspecting
argv0 wont' work:
. So I think the solution would be to use env var, and drop the option. Also note that the bash script we distribute
is setting
. We'd need to update it to do
instead. It's nice that that script has this line
๐Ÿ‘ 1
One downside of dropping the option is it's harder to document. Won't show up in
./pants help
. Any ideas where we would mention this? In the
bash script itself via comment works, along with maybe And maybe when we first introduce the script at via an info toolbox
argv doesn't work
@happy-kitchen-89482 but an ENV var would work, right? So I think the path forward would be to use that, and expose the value via a helper method, so code isn't hardcoding it everywhere.
Then maybe a dirty linter or script that validates strings don't have
except for some whitelisted code
I don't get how an out-of-band env var is better than the option, which can be set via env var?
I think we got wires crossed. I'm not trying to change the call-site. Once we're executing pants' Python code, I'm suggesting we set an env var from the option and use that to render user-visible strings
Ah, then I am misunderstanding
But I still don't get it. This is so we don't have to plumb the string through places?
Yes, kind of. More about being consistent across all user-defined strings. But also about permission to hardcode
where we previously weren't ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Oh my thinking was: 1. It is awkward currently to determine the pants script name because you must consume the option. To do that, we have verbose things like
or requesting
as a parameter to your rule. It's verbose and not consistent. 2. It would be convenient to have one consistent way to access the value, a constant like
. Similar to how we have
3. To get that constant to work, it can't consume the options system. So instead, consume an env var
OK, that makes sense. But I think @bitter-ability-32190 is suggesting setting an env var internally from the option, at startup? In fact we could use the same env var name as the option does (PANTS_BIN_NAME), but just set it internally if not already set
If that's possible, that'd be excellent! I'm not sure how to get that working correctly with initialization ordering though -- constants are created at import time. I think we'd need a function
that will lazily read in the env var. That seems good The key thing I care about is having one single, ergonomic way to get the value. No need to pass in bootstrap options
Actually yeah I had envisioned reusing the same env far simplicity. And yeah, it couldn't be a constant, but a function (although it could be a constant that we monkeypatch, but that's funny)
Also panta_bin_name is probably a good function name.
Sorry I should've been clearer with my thoughs
My bad, I wasn't grokking you at all