<@U0N6C2Q9F> you think Go is "beta" rather than "a...
# development
@fast-nail-55400 you think Go is "beta" rather than "alpha"? I think your third-party requirements improvement in 2.10 might mean yes. No change to the backend, only the language we use in docs.
I’d like to say yes but I’d first like to see a few non-trivial users using it without issue.
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of course the conundrum is that we may not get more non-trivial users if those users are risk-averse to testing “alpha” software
Yeah true. I think we're at least beta quality..the main existential issue I see is how to handle multiple go.mods do you think vendoring might make major changes to current functionality? As long as it's a new feature and not API change, that doesn't hurt stability
K I'll keep it for now. FYI @loud-laptop-17949 2.10.0rc0 was release recently and Tom redesigned third-party handling so that now you should be able to run
go mod download all && go mod tidy
and Pants will be happy. None of those
go list '...'
shenanigans. Thanks again for helping us to figure that out!
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I have a (albeit rather trivial) go project I could try to Pantsify
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That'd be great! Should be fairly trivial to set up: https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/go
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do you think vendoring might make major changes to current functionality? As long as it’s a new feature and not API change, that doesn’t hurt stability
I don’t believe so. My initial thought there was to have
generate a new
target type for vendored targets that references the in-tree vendored sources. (Name to be biked shedded.) Target generation would read the
under a
to decide if a package was vendored or not.
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