I'm reading the new docs 3rd party python deps doc...
# development
I'm reading the new docs 3rd party python deps doc. @hundreds-father-404 awesome stuff! I don't understand the paragraph about type stubs in https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.10/docs/python-third-party-dependencies#use-modules-and-module_mapping-when-the-module-name-is-not-standard Is
an option similar to
? Maybe an example would clarify things?
Thanks! Yeah, it's the same thing as
but gives us a hint that these are type stubs so it's legal to infer both a dep on the implementation & type stubs, whereas normally we complain about ambiguity
👍 1
I see why it's confusing - it's a really long sentence. I'll redo it tomorrow. Thanks for flagging!