<@U06A03HV1> maybe a juicy one?: <https://github.c...
# development
@witty-crayon-22786 maybe a juicy one?: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/15653 Let me know if you have experiments I should run.
…yikes. lemme see.
ah… for
. hm
did you already bisect…?
it could definitely be the top commit, but could also not be
I did not. Will do here in a bit.
no worries: i should be able to repro
I turned off fs watcher to rule that out since it happens just after the 1st lockfile is emitted and causes a 500ms restart thing, but still hit the issue.
I added the bisect to the ticket.
oof, sorry: got a call, and need to go grab Lou in 5 minutes. i’ll be able to investigate this by 6pm PT probably
No worries. I minimized the repro to adding 5 backends above and beyond awslambda when running generate-lockfiles for the lambdex resolve. Remove any one of the 5 and things work. Detail on ticket.
@enough-analyst-54434: is that enough to unblock you, or should i look at this tonight?
…yea, it seems like that is enough to unblock you, because you can drop all of those backends for the purposes of any PEX-affected lockfiles. i’ll take a look at this tomorrow though: sorry for the trouble
I'm not "blocked" - it's software - none of us are ever blocked.
This one just seems generally terrifying.
hm, sorry: to be clear, i was suggesting that you should be able to run the underlying command without those backends in order to generate the lockfiles you need
but anyway, looks like you got PRs out. sorry about that.
You were clear. I got that. I think "blocked", "elegant", "time-boxing", etc are 4-letter words.