Recently I’ve started to get issues with the pre-c...
# development
Recently I’ve started to get issues with the pre-commit hook, throwing this error:
Copy code
Exception: Unmatched glob from CLI arguments: ".github/workflows/*"
but I can’t find where that argument is coming from.. and what’s more is that I do have files there, so it’s somthing fishy going on:
Copy code
$ tree .github/workflows/
├── audit.yaml
├── cache_comparison.yaml
├── cancel.yaml
├── test-cron.yaml
└── test.yaml

0 directories, 5 files
when merging with
I should add.
huh, and now with a regular commit too… dang.
I recall @hundreds-father-404 had been making changes to how CLI specs were handled.
👍 1
OK, narrowed it down to an issue with
. And I’ve seen there’s a number of issues recently touching on the changed since feature… maybe related.
Copy code
$ ./pants --changed-since=api_types_and_rules list
# ~/src/github/kaos/pants (api_types_and_rules *)
$ ./pants --changed-since=origin/api_types_and_rules list
13:48:34.52 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.vcs.changed.find_changed_owners
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.find_owners
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_unexpanded_targets
  in pants.engine.internals.specs_rules.addresses_from_raw_specs_without_file_owners
  in paths
Traceback (no traceback):
  <pants native internals>
Exception: Unmatched glob from CLI arguments: ".github/workflows/*"

Do the file(s) exist? If so, check if the file(s) are in your `.gitignore` or the global `pants_ignore` option, which may result in Pants not being able to see the file(s) even though they exist on disk. Refer to <>.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/x/src/github/kaos/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 131, in single_daemonized_run
    runner = LocalPantsRunner.create(
  File "/Users/x/src/github/kaos/pants/src/python/pants/bin/", line 159, in create
    specs = calculate_specs(
  File "/Users/x/src/github/kaos/pants/src/python/pants/init/", line 93, in calculate_specs
    (changed_addresses,) = session.product_request(
  File "/Users/x/src/github/kaos/pants/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 575, in product_request
    self._raise_on_error([t for _, t in throws])
  File "/Users/x/src/github/kaos/pants/src/python/pants/engine/internals/", line 510, in _raise_on_error
    raise ExecutionError(
pants.engine.internals.scheduler.ExecutionError: 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in select
  in pants.vcs.changed.find_changed_owners
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.find_owners
  in pants.engine.internals.graph.resolve_unexpanded_targets
  in pants.engine.internals.specs_rules.addresses_from_raw_specs_without_file_owners
  in paths
Traceback (no traceback):
  <pants native internals>
Exception: Unmatched glob from CLI arguments: ".github/workflows/*"

Do the file(s) exist? If so, check if the file(s) are in your `.gitignore` or the global `pants_ignore` option, which may result in Pants not being able to see the file(s) even though they exist on disk. Refer to <>.

Use -ldebug for more logs. 
See <> for common issues.
Consider reaching out for help: <>
@fast-nail-55400 yeah, that could be related. debugging now…
Ah, ok, found it. I get the same if I run
./pants list <some-file>
is not owned by a target.
And since --changed-since get all and any files from your git repo, not all may be owned by BUILD file targets.
such as the .github/workflow/ files..
unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like
respects the
behavior option..
and it ought to use
by default any how..
@hundreds-father-404 FYI…
I think you’ll be able to solve this much more quickly than I 😉
OK, quick and dirty fix: solves my issue so I can move on for now at least 😉
Thanks. Nice and tidy fix 🙂