i’ve added a very simplistic <Maintainer onboardin...
# development
i’ve added a very simplistic Maintainer onboarding section to the
docsite… let me know if i’ve missed anything, and i’ll add it.
…and feel free to debate adding and removing of steps.
cc @busy-vase-39202
Also welcomed on Twitter, added to the private slack channel, get their proudest contribution for the docsite, and profile them for the blog.
If a contributor has been nominated, and is willing to become a maintainer, then their candidacy will be discussed and voted on by the existing maintainers.
Is this the actual order of operations? I believe it's been ordered during the past year or so as first nomination, then private vote, then upon successful vote inquire about willingness to accept. @hundreds-father-404 is that typical?
Oh and also add as readme admin
Also welcomed on Twitter, added to the private slack channel, get their proudest contribution for the docsite, and profile them for the blog.
i’ve added the first two, but will wait for the proudest contribution stuff to be linkable.
as to a blog post, i’m not sure that that is necessarily a part of the process that we’ve committed to yet (not everyone has access to the blog).
and readme is case-by-case basis, given the account limit, i think?
👍 1
We've managed to forget at least one of these steps every time with the last three 5 additions, so they should be documented as a prompt. Nuanced language is fine. Re blog, I'm committed to us doing that, and the person doesn't necessarily need ghost privs in order to be profiled.