I'm on release duty today. I'll be working on gett...
# development
I'm on release duty today. I'll be working on getting a Pex release / Pants upgrade into main before switching focus to the Pants weekly dev release in the afternoon.
I'm still working on some deprecation removal PRs and the Pex upgrade PR is awaiting approval; so this release will likely slip until Tuesday July 5th Given the long holiday weekend in the US (and Canada!).
Ok, all deprecation PRs are out. I'll wait until they land along with the Pex upgrade PR to do the release prep PR since so much is still in-flight.
OK, the release prep for 2.14.0.dev1 should be going green shortly, but trying to get it landed during working hours after the long weekend in Canada and in the US is going to be ~impossible. Lots of stuff is landing. I'll update once more with new lands this evening and then finish this out then. So you all have plenty of time to get things in for the dev release tonight.