I notice that src/python/pants/backend/python/goal...
# development
I notice that src/python/pants/backend/python/goals/lockfile_test.py is failing on main
See e.g., https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/runs/7262854632?check_suite_focus=true and many other CI runs unrelated to that file
Looks like a poetry lockfile is being generated without hashes or something
I don't reproduce locally
on macos
It started happening in the Toolchain repo too. Not sure what triggers this very weird and troubling behavior
I ended up adding hashes manually to the lock files.
This behavior repos (at least for the Toolchain repo) on all platforms: Apple m1, Apple x86 and Ubuntu on x86
It is reproducible at least it the Toolchain repo
Upgrading to the latest poetry doesn't help and the latest poetry pre release breaks the api that pants uses so it doesn't work with pants at all right now
I can't reproduce locally either 😞
Easy to repro: blow away
rm -rf ~/.cache/pypoetry
- at least on Linux. I'll dig since this is affecting CI for https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/16110
I'll attempt a fix with an upgrade.
Fix for broken Poetry lockfiles / test on main: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/16112
So, to button up, for the folks that couldn't repro, there were up two contributing reasons: 1. You need to have a Poetry cache miss for the dependency in question 2. The PyPI json API endpoint it was using would have been variously available or unavailable dependening on your geo location and their rollout of the change vs. caching proxies.
👍 1
Wow nice find!
Oooooouch. Good find, shame our whole industry is built on quicksand...
Profitable quicksand 😌