is there any way to get more macOS runner resource...
# development
is there any way to get more macOS runner resource assigned to pantsbuild/pants? I have PRs with the macOS jobs in queued state due to
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The agent pool assigned to this job has hit their MacOs concurrency limits
Requested labels: macos-10.15
Job defined at: pantsbuild/pants/.github/workflows/test.yaml@refs/pull/16130/merge
Waiting for a runner to pick up this job...
the job has spent at least an hour in the queue waiting for a macOS runner
Presumably we have to pay up. I like this, since it at least forces visibility into the real harm Mac does to the non-Mac OS app developers who use it.
I will say I'm in your boat today. Huge queue.
Presumably we have to pay up.
Yup, which I left implicit in my question. Or could be cheaper to just spin up a second macOS self-hosted runner.
Time to check the pricing.
And GitHub has even made the distinction between macOS and non-macOS explicit in how they account for usage:
Jobs that run on Windows and macOS runners that GitHub hosts consume minutes at 2 and 10 times the rate that jobs on Linux runners consume. For example, using 1,000 Windows minutes would consume 2,000 of the minutes included in your account. Using 1,000 macOS minutes, would consume 10,000 minutes included in your account.
interestingly, we are limited to 5 concurrent macOS jobs (for Gitub-hosted runners):
fwiw, @bitter-ability-32190 noted that we just got bumped up a tier today after he and Benjy had an informational chat with someone doing OSS outreach. So if we have an ask to make of them, today is the day. Maybe they can throw some credits or something our way.
She did say it isn't much. Nothing near the "enterprise" tier
I wanna say we got bumped to "Team":
“Team” still has the same macOS concurrency limit unfortunately.
(for GitHub-hosted runners, if we spun up a second macOS self-hosted runner, no GitHub-imposed limit there)
Yeah one of my pain points was CI. Admittedly we might want to get more clever with caching and our testing strategy. We might also want to dedicate resources (if possible), but it is a pain point for this open source project
~16 CI runs in progress according to
We can spin up self-hosted runners now that we know how, it's ~$200/month I believe. Trouble is, I'm not sure if we can spin up x86 ones.
Which hosting provider were we using?
The right pushback here is against MacOS not being legally virtualizable! They really are super slimy on this point and people just take it.
also macstadium allegedly offers resources to open source projects:
and my job finally ran and failed for an unrelated rust error (my PR touched no Rust code):
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error[E0425]: cannot find function `update_env` in module `local`
   --> process_execution/src/
357 |   local::update_env(&work_dir.path(), &mut req);
    |          ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in `local`
We are using macstadium, didn't know they had OSS resources!
Always worth inquiring of vendors. A lot are willing to offer a discount to open source projects even if they don't have a published policy of doing it. Devrel folks usually have more latitude to conjure up oss discounts than support or sales. fyi.