When should I get hyped for `2.13.0rc1` ?
# development
When should I get hyped for
we could do a release today I think! Stu is out, but I'm happy to
Let's wait until I figure out this 10.15 situation
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I think I'm close
Yep, looks like I have this working. Will send out for review.
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Ah yeah I need rc1 for the --debug-adapter fix πŸ™‚
Bump @hundreds-father-404 whats the chances this gets out this week?
(I'm trying to upgrade our repo)
@happy-kitchen-89482 are we good to do release today now?
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Don’t see why not!
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And it looks like rc1 already has the fix for https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/16462 - I don't understand how Pex 2.1.100 fixes that, but it does and rc0 is on 2.1.99 and 2.13.x already has upgrades through 2.1.102.
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I'm hoping tomorrow we can bump so next week we get juicy features
we've got to finish cherry-picking this first, I'll get started https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pulls?q=is%3Apr+label%3Aneeds-cherrypick+is%3Aclosed
❀️ sorry, just excited πŸ™‚
We've got an empty slot on the release rotation, Next up on Sept 16th and its every 7 weeks. Are you interested?
Poooooooosibly. It seems those go on after-hours, which is harder for me to stomach with my current homelife situation
They can go on whenever you wish, but if during working hours you probably need to get bossy and ask people to not merge main. So, yeah, its a bit hard to do working hours only.
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@bitter-ability-32190 you also start your day earlier than many people, the America's morning. That is a quiet time to do Friday morning releases or Monday morning And I'm usually up by then to approve stuff
True, although Friday morning is normally gym day, so I'm "in" around 9:30 Central
I don't think I can escape it forever. Whenever is convenient, I'd be interested in getting a paired tour to grok the commitment (past the textual steps)
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the biggest annoyance is the process is spread out over a few hours because you have to wait for wheels to build etc. Want me to DM you every time I do something release related today so you can see what it's like?
it's basically several mostly-automated and fast-to-do steps, just spread out over a few hours
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Go for it