Is there an easy way to contribute+collect env var...
# development
Is there an easy way to contribute+collect env vars from dependencies attached to the source? E.g. A
which also when materialized has its path added to
. 🤔 Edit: This actually goes deeper, because it'd be really performant to leverage `immutable_input`s, but I can't inject that either 🤔
might want to pursue this. @witty-crayon-22786 this might relate to my earlier idea of sandbox preservation only applyng to "the final process". These would be injectable (union?) in only "the final process"
hm. not sure what you mean.
there are two aspects of this:
immutable_inputs — they should likely be used for many more things than they are, hence my suggestion that we should make that API easier to use:
environment variables to expose libraries — that sounds like a case for either a: 1. typed dependency field to say “oh, this thing that i said was a file/resource? it’s actually a library” 2. different target type to do the same
@fast-nail-55400 and @wide-midnight-78598 would likely have better insight into how to model native dependencies in this case (from Rust/(c)go and c/swift, respectively)
Modeling it as a plug-in thing might be useful. Similarly, as far as env vars so, adding something to PYTHONPATH, or setting JAVA_HOME could be interesting.