<@U051221NF> I was wondering what recommends whate...
# development
@happy-kitchen-89482 I was wondering what recommends whatever it is your using / planning to use for Pants Linux arm over Circle CI. The scie-pants project will also need Linux arm support and so far I've been very happy with how easy it was to set up Circle for this in a-scie/jump & a-scie/ptex but if your find is better I'd like to switch.
The main reason is that Pants CI already has a non-trivial existing mechanism for generating around 1500 lines of fairly complicated GitHub Actions config for three platforms (including one using self-hosted runners) and multiple interpreter versions on each. And getting it to generate for a fourth is easy. Introducing CircleCI into the mix would mean a whole new conceptual world to learn, we’d have to figure out how to convert our generator’s GHA-centric models into the equivalent CircleCI config (and modify that model to deal with any “impedance mismatches” between the two). It just didn’t seem worth it when we can get free resources to run a self-hosted GHA runner on, and when GHA will presumably have linux arm64 runners sooner or later.
That argument doesn’t hold as strongly for scie, since its CI is new anyway.
But there is still value to standardizing on GHA, I think?
Gotcha. Well, I'm not sure about that. I've never been totally comfortable with GH as my overlord. The code review is still really bad all these years later but I think we've all become numb.
Ok, thanks for that background. I'll stick with Circle then for now. I've never liked yaml generators anyhow, I find them super confusing and would rather edit the yaml myself.
Hopefully we can greatly simplify our own CI (as well as everyone else’s) with
improvements plus remote execution, so that CI config can just be a handful of
commands, and the config complexity on the CI side goes away entirely
👏 1
But we’re not there yet…
Yeah, that will be a great dogfood exercise. Its really getting pretty crazy!
Yeah, the fact that we have so much stuff in
and so much ad-hoc build and release scripting is embarrassing…
Yeah, the fact that we have so much stuff in
and so much ad-hoc build and release scripting is embarrassing…
Yeah, it’s one area where I feel is a sign of missing features… 😉