Teaser for an unfortunately large code review comi...
# development
Teaser for an unfortunately large code review coming later today.
Copy code
$ ls -l pants
ls: cannot access 'pants': No such file or directory
$ ls -ld pants*
drwxr-xr-x 3 jsirois jsirois 4096 Dec  8 12:47 pants-support
-rw-r--r-- 1 jsirois jsirois 1525 Dec  9 11:00 pants.toml
or much of anything else really:
Copy code
$ docker run --rm -it -w /code/tools/src -e pants=/code/dist/scie-pants-linux-x86_64 -v $PWD:/code ubuntu:22.04 sh -c 'apt update -qq >/dev/null 2>&1 && apt install -qq -y ca-certificates >/dev/null 2>&1 && RUST_LOG=info $pants fmt lint check test ::'
Emulate Docker CLI using podman. Create /etc/containers/nodocker to quiet msg.
[INFO  scie_pants] Found Pants build root at /code
[INFO  scie_pants] The required Pants version is Some(PackageVersion { original: "2.14.0", local: None, dev: None, post: None, pre: None, release: ReleaseHeader { major: 2, minor: 14 }, epoch: None })
[INFO  scie_pants] Selected python3.9
[INFO  jump::installer] Loading cpython-3.9.15+20221106-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only.tar.gz via "/root/.cache/nce/022ba7613a5161d70343e145a3e9d6172cadbaafe8a06a05e92faa18abc55ee5/ptex-linux-x86_64"...
Downloading <https://github.com/indygreg/python-build-standalone/releases/download/20221106/cpython-3.9.15+20221106-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only.tar.gz>...
[00:00:04] [####################>---------] 17.61 MiB/25.53 MiB (eta: 1.6s)
Bootstrapping Pants 2.14.0 using cpython 3.9.15
Installing pantsbuild.pants==2.14.0 into a virtual environment at /root/.cache/nce/8293dce4feac81e501481d0d699917394caf20e77b6a2e25573cc437d2903e8a/bindings/venvs/2.14.0
New virtual environment successfully created at /root/.cache/nce/8293dce4feac81e501481d0d699917394caf20e77b6a2e25573cc437d2903e8a/bindings/venvs/2.14.0.
18:51:30.75 [INFO] Initializing scheduler...
18:51:30.92 [INFO] Scheduler initialized.
18:51:41.38 [INFO] Completed: Building black.pex from pants-support/tool-locks/black.lock
18:51:41.66 [INFO] Completed: Format with Black - black made no changes.
18:51:45.07 [INFO] Completed: Building isort.pex from pants-support/tool-locks/isort.lock
18:51:45.25 [INFO] Completed: Format with isort - isort made no changes.

✓ black made no changes.
✓ isort made no changes.

✓ black succeeded.
✓ isort succeeded.
18:51:45.44 [INFO] Canceled: Building mypy.pex from pants-support/tool-locks/mypy.lock
18:51:46.21 [INFO] Completed: Building extra_type_stubs.pex
18:51:56.66 [INFO] Completed: Building 4 requirements for requirements.pex from the tools/lock.json resolve: ansicolors==1.1.8, packaging==22.0, pytest==7.2.0, tomlkit==0.11.6
18:51:57.62 [INFO] Completed: Building mypy.pex from pants-support/tool-locks/mypy.lock
18:51:58.90 [INFO] Completed: Building requirements_venv.pex
18:52:04.02 [INFO] Completed: Typecheck using MyPy - mypy succeeded.
Success: no issues found in 8 source files

✓ mypy succeeded.
18:52:04.04 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

  BinaryNotFoundError: Cannot find `unzip` on `['/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/local/bin']`. Please ensure that it is installed so that Pants can download the tools Pants needs to run.
🤯 2
❤️ 1
We're on the precipice of some very exciting changes to Pants
I'm just happy to have contributed, and to be riding the wave 🙂
This is not one of them, pretty boring. The new thing does nothing different from the old thing, just saves a ~5% footgun?
I very humbly disagree 🙂 Decoupling Pants from system Python is an amazing step forward for every Pants user.
Not to mention the capabilities of Pants' own code to use newer features
It can't be too amazing, we've survived 10 years without it ~just fine. It will certainly help some folks not get turned away though.
In a "lift by a thousand breezes" some breezes can certainly be stronger than others 😉
The hardest thing here was actually getting the scie-pants to build with pants. I initially used tox for the Python installer code it runs when it needs to do an install or run
, etc. The transition from tox to Pants was a bit of a bear, but that was at least in part due to weird circular dogfooding and my tired brain.
If nothing else, this should save a handful of questions in Slack/issues/discussions about the fact that Pants requires certain python versions, but the user's code can use whatever.
🙌 1
I think this is huge for first-run and infrequent-user use cases. being able to have git or wget+tar as the only system dependency is so nice.