Am I misremembering or was there some work being d...
# development
Am I misremembering or was there some work being done to relax the restrictions on symlinks in build step outputs? E.g.
Copy code
Error expanding output globs: Failed to read link "/tmp/pants-sandbox-4kodTy/out/bin/app/bin/python3.9": Absolute symlink: "/usr/bin/python3.9"
This is from trying to copy a venv PEX from one container to another in my OCI builder. I can workaround it by inventing some wrapper type like BuiltLayerArtifact which holds a Tar instead of loose files, but it adds a bunch of code to convert this to/from regular artifacts. Which for prototyping is frustrating... 😛
Absolute symlinks are still a no-go. Relative symlinks are captured as-is and then recreated as relative symlinks (where appropriate)