Got a report from a dev who experienced issues on ...
# development
Got a report from a dev who experienced issues on 2.16.0a0 🧵
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21:30:17.91 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in `test` goal

IntrinsicError: Snapshot failed: Failed to digest inputs: Throw { val: Failed to watch filesystem for `/home/ubuntu/repos/../`: Error { kind: MaxFilesWatch, paths: ["/home/ubuntu/repos/../"] }, python_traceback: "Traceback (no traceback):\n  <pants native internals>\nException: Failed to watch filesystem for `/home/ubuntu/repos/../`: Error { kind: MaxFilesWatch, paths: [\"/home/ubuntu/repos/../\"] }", engine_traceback: [FailureFrame { name: "digest_file", desc: Some("Fingerprinting: ../") }] }
for various files of
not always the same.
This is from a Windows box running ubuntu in a vm container.
intermittently too, so not all the time