Does anyone know why <
# general
Does anyone know why uses
rather than
[target.address.reference() for target in self.context.target_roots()]
or similar?
iirc, that was to allow it to capture and pass the CLI specs to the IDEA plugin
so that when it loaded/reloaded, it would get the latest/complete set of targets
if that doesn't sound right, can ping yi
As in, to allow
to continue to expand if new targets are added?
(This came up because it means that
doesn’t work for this goal)
best laid plans.
could possibly add a conditional there...? bummer though.
really, "the roots" are defined by one of three things. reifying that up into a single enum somewhere to make it more obvious would be good. i think Danny did a bit of that with --query
We could probably try to do a merging? Merge in extra specs from
which aren’t covered by a spec from the list of positional args?
mm, maybe? an issue might be that if you include concrete targets and they get deleted later the export will start failing.
cc @damp-easter-17791
Doesn’t seem hugely different to the failure modes of the status quo
...i suppose that we ask people to reload any time a BUILD file changes anyway.
yea. ok
would still probably rather do an "either/or"
oh, wait. no
the issue is that if your project was configured with a deleted target, reloading will not work
and you'd need to throw it away and re-import.
(if specs, use them, otherwise use roots)
Sure, but whether that happens because I ran:
./pants --owner-of=foo/bar idea-plugin
./pants idea-plugin foo:bar
we have the same problem, right?
It’s only if I ran
./pants idea-plugin foo:
that I wouldn’t error
the issue is that you can't distinguish the first two cases
...or whatever
Sure, but they should be identical, and right now only one of them works?
...other than by seeing whether there are specs
if there are specs, use them
@average-vr-56795: right, i'm not saying don't fix the issue. i'm saying: the fix is probably a conditional of "use specs if we have them, otherwise target roots"
I’m saying: Expand the specs If there are any roots which aren’t covered by a spec, add that single-target spec to the list of specs Use the merged list
that isn't possible, because you may only use exactly one of 1) specs, 2) --owner-of, 3) --changed
I guess we could say “If there are both specs and target roots, and they’re not effectively identical, error”
Oh! I was not aware! Ok, yes, I’m with you, a conditional sounds… Well, not great, because ideally a task shouldn’t have to know that, but like the right solution here 🙂
yea. this should be converted into an enum that makes the either-or-ness more obvious. see my comment about Danny/--query
That makes a lot more sense now 🙂 Cool!
other thing is that Yi has suggested that we should definitely port this to v2
which i agree on, but which (for exactly this reason) would probably involved doing the enum thing