Any thoughts on a Pants-equivalent to Bazel's `exc...
# general
Any thoughts on a Pants-equivalent to Bazel's
tag for tests? We have one test which if it doesn't get sufficient CPU resources will become flaky.
👀 1
Tangentially related, can we specify the # of process slots to consume for a test? It would solve this problem, and maybe help other problems we have?
I had a same question actually! Q13. Good to know that Bazel calls it "exclusive".
Tangentially related, can we specify the # of process slots to consume for a test?
yea, we should probably do this. but note that with our existing mechanism, it wouldn’t give you guaranteed slots. so it might be independent from an exclusive flag.
Can you elaborate on "it wouldn’t give you guaranteed slots"?
there was another thread about this recently over here:
@bitter-ability-32190: the concurrency flag added in is the “maximum” amount of concurrency that a process is capable of, but we will still schedule the process with less than that.
i.e., if you say that you are capable of 256 concurrency because you’re operating on 256 files, we might only give you 8 because there are already processes running, and the machine only has 16 cores.
Ah right
not sure whether those are max/min values… but it’s still a bit challenging because if the minimum is configured as an absolute value (rather than a relative value), if you say that you need 16 cores to run, we’d need to decide what to do on an 8 core machine.
(“exclusive” would be a relative value… “all the cores please”)
but yea, this is definitely an area where we should make more changes.
so… yea. i could imagine this as converting the concurrency_available parameter to a (rust-style) enum of
Range(max: int, min: int | None = None) | Exclusive
… and then exposing it to pytest the same way we expose the execution-slot-var
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i do wonder whether folks need more subtlety than “exclusive: bool”, and whether they need groups (these tests must run exclusive of one another). it sounds like in your cases (@bitter-ability-32190, @rhythmic-morning-87313), a bool would be sufficient?
One test in particular, yes. I've also seen tests that we have that use the bazel
tag (documented here) but generally I'm just ignoring those 🙈
i think just the exclusive option should suffice me. In my case, it is not related to the performance but concurrency of the test case.
How is it going with the
option? One motivation behind me is to run test cases that requires spawning of Redis clusters using docker-compose exclusively to each other, to prevent port overlaps, i.e., tests with fixtures that have side effects to other tests and their fixtures.
I just created an explicit issue for the
ultimately i think it would be nice if there is a guide to have external dependencies like docker containers for tests in a pants way
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I thinks that's lightly possible because runtime dependencies will give you the docker image in the sandbox. But you'd have to run it yourself
thanks for filing… that usecase seems like it could potentially use the execution_slot_var facility: commented there
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Great! This will help me to configure unique port numbers, etc. for parallel execution
this is another way to do it by letting OS assign a free port number (previously it was hardcoded)
for a cluster, i'm going to use the execution slot variable
@witty-crayon-22786 any thoughts on a way to hack this Pants 2.11 in a plugin? I'm coming up empty
I'm hoping I don't need to implement something injected into pytest which uses a RW file lock or something equivalently clever. Maybe a copied-and-pasted
goal which I run after
and "does the right thing"?
that, or filtering to a tag like in the other thread?
./pants --tags=-exclusive test :: && ./pants --tags=exclusive --process-parallelism=1 test ::
Well I have several exclusive tests, so I guess it'd be a script which runs
./pants test
for each file with the tag? 🤔
or that, yea.
Interesting 🤔
Then I'm just slightly bothered by