I present the new error message if `[python-infer]...
# general
I present the new error message if
[python-infer].unowned_dependency_behavior = "error"
, which errors when a dependency cannot be inferred. We're thinking of defaulting to warning or error because this error is hopefully much better than a cryptic runtime
Feedback welcomed!
UnownedDependencyError: Pants cannot infer owners for the following imports in the file src/python/pants/util/strutil_test.py (from the target src/python/pants/util/strutil_test.py:tests): • fake (line: 8) If you do not expect an import to be inferrable, add
# pants: no-infer-dep
to the import line. Is the import from a third-party dependency (see https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.12/docs/python-third-party-dependencies)? Some common issues: • Pants does not know about the requirement, i.e. there is not a
target for it. You can run
./pants filter --target-type=python_requirement ::
to see all
targets. If you are using
, Poetry, or Pipenv, make sure you have
, and
target generators, respectively. Double check that the requirement is in the respective file like
. • The third-party requirement exposes modules different than Pants's default, e.g.
. Set the
fields. • Ambiguity. See below. Is the import from first-party code? Some common issues: • The file does not exist. • The file is missing an owning target like
. Run
./pants list path/to/file.py
to see if there are any owners. If not, run
./pants tailor
to generate targets. • The source root is not correctly set up, which is how Pants knows for example that the file
exposes the module
. See https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.12/docs/source-roots. • Ambiguity. See below. Some common issues with both first and third-party imports: • Ambiguity. See above logs if there are warnings and instructions.
Thanks @bitter-ability-32190 for adding this super cool mechanism!
🙌 1
If we detect there are multiple resolves in the repo: Some common issues with both first and third-party imports: • Ambiguity. See above logs if there are warnings and instructions. • Multiple resolves. A target may exist for the import, but not share the same resolve of python-default from the target src/python/pants/util/strutil_test.py:tests. Pants only can infer dependencies on targets using the same resolve. You may need to set the
field for whichever target provides that import (and possibly use the
mechanism if that code should work with multiple resolves). See https://www.pantsbuild.org/v2.12/docs/python-third-party-dependencies#multiple-lockfiles.
I'm thinking of how we can improve the multiple resolves situation, like if we can dynamically detect if there is that import but inside another resolve
I’m thinking of how we can improve the multiple resolves situation, like if we can dynamically detect if there is that import but inside another resolve
we should i think… it’s really cheap to do.
yeah, just a UX question. Starting to try to draft the message
(if about to render the warning, check in other resolves, then include that in the message)
Would you agree that if the module is another resolve, that is realistically the only likely cause of the failure? We don't need to mention source roots, etc? I can't convince myself of that There is a lot of noise atm. I'm hoping we can detect this case eagerly and say "This is the issue!"
Would you agree that if the module is another resolve, that is realistically the only likely cause of the failure?
about a 95% chance, yea? there are overlap cases where it might be that you meant to use some sources instead of thirdparty, for example… but yea.
given that, is https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/15334 ready, or should we wait?
Hm maybe we still list the other reasons, but later on. "If that wasn't the issue, try these" John's wisdom about when suggestions aren't accurate seems prudent. That 5% case would be very confusing!
yep. that seems like a “if none of these are the module that you meant, then please see {doc_url(..)} for other possibilities” is sufficient in this case i think.
given that, is https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/15334 ready, or should we wait?
Totally depends how we want to approach the intersection of
and multiple resolves: to get this helpful error message for multiple resolves, do you need to have on that option? Otherwise, we would need Yet Another warning/log and probably an option to toggle the behavior. Oof
The boat has sailed for deprecating default for
in 2.11. But we can still make this improvement and then encourage users w/ multiple lockfiles to manually turn it on 2.12+ can deprecate the current default of ignore
where are we on enabling
by default? i think that we should consider it.
so I am +1 to coupling
w/ multiple resolves
where are we on enabling unowned_dependency_behavior by default? i think that we should consider it.
Extremely strong +1 from me. I think this is such a better experience than a ModuleError @bitter-ability-32190 over DM was +1, but not sure between error vs warn
i don’t know about coupling it per-se… but we should either 1) have it on by default, 2) strongly suggest it
IMO, until we have a way to render all of the errors, we shouldn’t make it an error by default. too much of a pain for new users.
i don’t know about coupling it per-se
The error message about multiple resolves has to come somewhere. What I'm suggested is it be included in the error message from
. Do not invent yet another error message/log
agreed. i wasn’t thinking of that as “coupled”, but yea, got it.
👍 1
IMO, until we have a way to render all of the errors, we shouldn’t make it an error by default. too much of a pain for new users.
I wonder how we could pull that off. I think we'd need to make the dependency inference plugin hook have a fallible component where you can insert *lazy error messages?
I wonder how we could pull that off.
i’ve had some ideas recently (related to collecting atomic sideeffects via EngineAwareReturnType, and then committing them at the end of the run). but i don’t think that it needs to be tackled here.
👍 1
Either way, sg that I will improve this error message for multiple resolves now. Cherry-pick to 2.11. We can encourage users of multiple resolves to turn this on
👍 1
My 2c was that if it is annoying but disableable/helpful, it beats quiet-yet-might-hide-issues
👍 2
Agreed the repetitively iterative nature of the errors though is rough
Re new repositories and the default of this option: my thinking is that once you fix one issue, you are likely to fix many other. They are often structural issues: • bad source roots • missing targets • the idea of module_mapping
Agreed the repetitively iterative nature of the errors though is rough
yea: that’s why not errors until we solve that problem. mentioned above (and elaborated since) that i’ve had some thoughts on it
Agreed the repetitively iterative nature of the errors though is rough
On the other hand, what if you get 100 errors but fixing 1 would fix 90 of them. You give up because 100 is overwhelming?
We could say something like "Don't despair! Often fixing 1 fixes the others" 😅
In my experience each error was an individual issue, however there were duplicates. So solving 1 just solved one 🙈
the source root and thirdparty module ones that brand new users see will be super widespread and duplicated most likely.
i experienced it recently in a new repository with ambiguity warnings… on the JVM side, ambiguity is symbol level, so … even more redundant
i’ve had some ideas recently (related to collecting atomic sideeffects via EngineAwareReturnType, and then committing them at the end of the run).
elaborated here: https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/15350#issuecomment-1121536968