I have a weird issue where hadolint fails when pan...
# general
I have a weird issue where hadolint fails when pants run it but works if I run it manually by directly calling
I don’t even get very helpful error message from pants. No idea what
exit code -11
supposed to mean.
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12:48:24.11 [ERROR] Completed: Lint with Hadolint - hadolint failed (exit code -11).
The only issue I can think of is I only recently updated to macos ventura. Although it wasn’t failing just after the update. It’s only with some changes I have made that it fails. If I revert to a previous commit, it works. It’s all so mysterious sadly
Anything when you run in debug mode?
./pants whatever -ldebug
Also, when you use --keep-sandboxes=on_failure and then manually the generated
script, does it work or failover?
yeah have been looking at that. Nothing really. The only thing is see is
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Signal 15 (SIGTERM) was raised. Exiting with failure.
👀 1
Well that can't be good - does it work or fail when you run in the sandbox using the run script?
let me try the run script
Also also, when you do it manually - are you using the same version of hado as Pants? (I can't recall if it installs something, or if it uses the system binary)
yeah I checked hado version on mac and inside pants and they are the same which was v2.10.0 I also tried to use the hadolint v2.12.0 which says something about buidling macos ventura but that doesn’t help. In the process though I opened a pull request on pants to update it to v2.12.0 https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/pull/17791
mac m1?
No just intel
I don't think it's related to this - but putting this here so I don't have to search for it later: https://pantsbuild.slack.com/archives/C046T6T9U/p1665673558191199?thread_ts=1665581842.605619&cid=C046T6T9U
No just intel
NVM then, my example was an arm problem
The only thing I got from the
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./__run.sh: line 5: 55455 Segmentation fault: 11
I feel like it has something to do with the ventura but not sure how to reproduce it
Something’s wrong with binary pants downloads for hadolint in the sandbox
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➜  pants-sandbox-g7Yhuj ./hadolint-Darwin-x86_64
[1]    56882 segmentation fault  ./hadolint-Darwin-x86_64
Sorry, which version of pants?
https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/blob/2.14.x/src/python/pants/backend/docker/lint/hadolint/subsystem.py Could you manually `curl`/`wget` your version of hadolint that is specified here and run it? Let's go to first principles here
yeah doing that exactly 😉
coke 1
So I downloaded the version directly from github and that has also segmentation fault but then I installed the same version (2.12.0) from brew, it works
🤯 1
hm are there newer versions available?
@refined-addition-53644 Are you able to try 2.12 in pants? https://www.pantsbuild.org/docs/reference-hadolint#version
Hmm, guess you also need to add known_versions?
yeah I did
That pull request has been generated because I spent time in generating known_versions
👍 1
I'm starting with a new docker project that I'll want hadolint on - and I'm on Ventura 🙂
🤞 1
so it works with 2.12?
No it doesn’t when using pants or directly downloading from github. It only works when I install using brew
So it looks like building from source is what’s working since I think that’s what brew does.
hm if there isn't yet a ticket, it'd probably be helpful to open a bug report in their repo. A lot of times maintainers don't own that specific hardware so don't know when things break
how about other versions other than 2.12?
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⏺ ~/Downloads % ./hadolint-Darwin-x86_64                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ⎇ 
zsh: segmentation fault  ./hadolint-Darwin-x86_64
Wow... yeah
This was supposed to be fixed but it looks like it hasn’t been. There is a beta release https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint/issues/897 I tried all older versions and they don’t work either now.
cool that beta release should work with Pants
Beta appears to work on my machine
It's unfortunate, it was crashes that got me to stop using hadolint a year or so ago 😢
😢 2