I am trying to pass an envirnmental variable from ...
# general
I am trying to pass an envirnmental variable from the host system to the docker build process through pants (on bitbucket pipelines). Specifically the DOCKER_HOST variable, by adding this to pants.toml
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But when I run
pants -ldebug I get package ::
, I see in the logs an entry which seems to show the environmental variables passed to the sandbox, but DOCKER_HOST is not there (the full log entry is in the thread). Do I need to do anything else to pass it through?
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spawned local process as Some(287) for Process { argv: ["/usr/bin/docker", "build", "--pull=False", "--tag", "<http://123456789011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_services:api_lambda-4307b0a3e8f6e3fb0998ad3a6fe52d75b80a9856a0fea70864f9a5925827147a|123456789011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_services:api_lambda-4307b0a3e8f6e3fb0998ad3a6fe52d75b80a9856a0fea70864f9a5925827147a>", "--file", "projects/my_services/api_lambda/Dockerfile.my_services_api_lambda", "."], env: {"__UPSTREAM_IMAGE_IDS": ""}, working_directory: None, input_digests: InputDigests { complete: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<a96ac43e50f90d0fabf0b1c482e681eb969a286d2e5bc836af16cc6173ac215e>, size_bytes: 190 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, nailgun: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, input_files: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<a96ac43e50f90d0fabf0b1c482e681eb969a286d2e5bc836af16cc6173ac215e>, size_bytes: 190 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, immutable_inputs: {}, use_nailgun: {} }, output_files: {}, output_directories: {}, timeout: None, execution_slot_variable: None, concurrency_available: 0, description: "Building docker image <http://123456789011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_services:api_lambda-4307b0a3e8f6e3fb0998ad3a6fe52d75b80a9856a0fea70864f9a5925827147a|123456789011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_services:api_lambda-4307b0a3e8f6e3fb0998ad3a6fe52d75b80a9856a0fea70864f9a5925827147a>", level: Info, append_only_caches: {}, jdk_home: None, platform: Linux_x86_64, cache_scope: PerSession, execution_strategy: Local, remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns }
Am I wrong in assuming that DOCKER_HOST should be in the env dict (along with
I think you should inspect the sandbox
script, I think that is the definitive way to determine what is passed on cdm-line to the process
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or similar, and run the cmd locally
Well, this is the __run.sh file; and there are is no mention of `$DOCKER_HOST`_
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#!/bin/bash  7 # This command line should execute the same process as pants did internally.
cd /tmp/pants-sandbox-UjpbFi
/usr/bin/docker build $'--pull=False' --tag $'<http://1234567891011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_services:api_lambda-7c3873c1d85e651687f345c875b80a9f951277b27f5ed8e2025e880ff0c0d9bb|1234567891011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/my_services:api_lambda-7c3873c1d85e651687f345c875b80a9f951277b27f5ed8e2025e880ff0c0d9bb>' --file projects/my_services/api_lambda/Dockerfile.my_services_ 11 api_lambda .
Is this the only way pants configures the build environment; or are there other mechanisms for passing in environmental variables?
how do you set
? it may help to look at the output of
pants docker --help-advanced
as it will show the value used and where it came from, along with overridden values if any
I don't; it must be generated somewhere inside pants 😕
right. ok, just to make sure, have you checked that DOCKER_HOST has a defined value..
for debug purposes could try adding a dummy with a value
env_vars=["TEST_VAR=foo", …]
to see that it shows up properly..
If I add this to pants.toml, it still does not show up in the __run.sh. Is there any documentation on how the chroot that runs __run.sh is generated?
no that is implementation detail level stuff.
what does
pants help-advanced docker
show you for that option?
so, is it the same or not? what you look for is this
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--docker-env-vars="[<shell_str>, <shell_str>, ...]"
      default: []
      current value: [
      ] (from pants.toml)
      Environment variables to set for `docker` invocations.
DOCKER_HOST has a defined value on the build machine; and current value for env_vars is ["DOCKER_HOST", "TEST_VAR=foo"]; as it should.
not sure then what is going on, as I don’t repro this error… running
pants -ldebug package testprojects/src/python/docker/Dockerfile.example
I get:
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12:42:26.00 [DEBUG] spawned local process as Some(55270) for Process { argv: ["/opt/homebrew/bin/docker", "build", "--pull=False", "--tag", "test-example:1.2.5", "--file", "testprojects/src/python/docker/Dockerfile.example", "."], env: {"DEMO": "foo-bar", "HOME": "/Users/andreas.stenius", "__UPSTREAM_IMAGE_IDS": ""}, working_directory: None, input_digests: InputDigests { complete: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<b0cdb9bb7020958c58135b9711af41abeb0907f9d62c4bb247ed063e53bc52bc>, size_bytes: 194 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, nailgun: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>, size_bytes: 0 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, inputs: DirectoryDigest { digest: Digest { hash: Fingerprint<b0cdb9bb7020958c58135b9711af41abeb0907f9d62c4bb247ed063e53bc52bc>, size_bytes: 194 }, tree: "Some(..)" }, immutable_inputs: {}, use_nailgun: {} }, output_files: {}, output_directories: {}, timeout: None, execution_slot_variable: None, concurrency_available: 0, description: "Building docker image test-example:1.2.5", level: Info, append_only_caches: {}, jdk_home: None, platform: Macos_arm64, cache_scope: PerSession, execution_strategy: Local, remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns }
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Nice. This at least seems to confirm that the env variable should show up in the debug log; which it does not for me. What version of pants are you using? I am on 2.16.0_dev7, so not the stable version.
that was on
which is almost the same as
and close enough to .dev7 as well..
Back to basics:
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pants_version = "2.16.0a0"
build_file_prelude_globs = ["pants-plugins/macros.py"]

backend_packages = [

# This will become the default in Pants 2.15.
tailor_pex_binary_targets = false
interpreter_constraints = ["CPython==3.10.*"]

env_vars = ["HOME"] 

address = "<http://1234567891011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com|1234567891011.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com>"
default = true

linux = "//3rdparty/python:local_linux"
lambda_docker = "//3rdparty/python:lambda_docker_env"

root_patterns = [
With this pants.toml; I would expect my home folder environmental variable to show up in the debug log for the docker build process?
I am starting to feel really dumb here. But it seems clear that for some reason pants is not letting the environmental variables through with my setup (neither locally nor on bitbucket pipelines). One experiment I performed was to change the environmental variable DOCKER_HOST locally to "foo"; in which case docker build will fail. But if I put the same setting in pants.toml, pants still happily builds my docker images. I think it is time for my to try to repeat this on a smaller minimal repo.
I pulled down the example docker repo (https://github.com/pantsbuild/example-docker), and there pants has no problem passing down then environmental variables 😕.
But at least I can start working on slowly migrating the minimal example to what I have in my production repo; and see where along the way it fails. Thank you for your help!
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If I remove the environment-preview.names block from my pants.toml it starts working.
This is starting to look like I bug then..
Or is there a subtle typo in my pants.toml 🤔
the environments feature is rather new, and experimental, so may have some rough edges/bugs.
but yea, it sounds wrong that it should interfere here…
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Ah, unless of course that is by design. You may need to plumb through the env vars you want to use in you environment too..
there ought to be a caveat note in the docker subsystem about environment here..
@witty-crayon-22786 would’ve been nice (not that I would’ve caught on to it this time, but) if the selected environment was part of the process debug message.. 😉
hm, yea. none of the messages that have been pasted in here are for docker runs though: all local. seems like there is a mix of things going on.
the environments-support ticket for Docker auth is https://github.com/pantsbuild/pants/issues/18187 … i’ll try to prioritize that one.