I am suddenly experiencing this error `/tmp/pants-...
# general
I am suddenly experiencing this error
/tmp/pants-sandbox-NXZ1ts/./django.pex_pex_shim.sh: 2: set: Illegal option -o pipefail
no matter what command I am running. Ideas? I already tried
--no-pantsd --no-local-cache
. Using
Here is another one:
Copy code
vscode ➜ /repo (mybranch) $ pants tailor  update-build-files ::
15:58:54.73 [WARN] /repo/dist/export/python/virtualenvs/default/3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/__init__.py:121: DeprecationWarning: pkg_resources is deprecated as an API
  warnings.warn("pkg_resources is deprecated as an API", DeprecationWarning)

15:59:04.94 [INFO] Completed: Building black.pex from black_default.lock
15:59:05.24 [ERROR] 1 Exception encountered:

Engine traceback:
  in Update all BUILD files - environment:linux_devcontainer
  in Scheduling: Run Black on 1 file.

Exception: Failed to execute: Process {
    argv: [
    env: {},
    working_directory: None,
    input_digests: InputDigests {
        complete: DirectoryDigest {
            digest: Digest {
                hash: Fingerprint<bf69a0b3df1dd9d4595ad6e19d1aff1e7e9f2f89a64c8d988f846b2a72155ce0>,
                size_bytes: 367,
            tree: "Some(..)",
        nailgun: DirectoryDigest {
            digest: Digest {
                hash: Fingerprint<e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855>,
                size_bytes: 0,
            tree: "Some(..)",
        input_files: DirectoryDigest {
            digest: Digest {
                hash: Fingerprint<bf69a0b3df1dd9d4595ad6e19d1aff1e7e9f2f89a64c8d988f846b2a72155ce0>,
                size_bytes: 367,
            tree: "Some(..)",
        immutable_inputs: {},
        use_nailgun: {},
    output_files: {
    output_directories: {},
    timeout: None,
    execution_slot_variable: None,
    concurrency_available: 1,
    description: "Run Black on 1 file.",
    level: Debug,
    append_only_caches: {
        ): RelativePath(
    jdk_home: None,
    platform: Linux_x86_64,
    cache_scope: Successful,
    execution_strategy: Local,
    remote_cache_speculation_delay: 0ns,

Error launching process: Os { code: 8, kind: Uncategorized, message: "Exec format error" }
Did you change anything on the systems? Eg install new packages (or some other package manager command)
I used to mount the /tmp folder into that devcontainer where pants is run, but temporarily not. Other than that, actually no.
Working again when mounting tmp again, thanks for making me think 😄
👍 1
Phew! What a peculiar error for that cause