Is it a bug that you first generate a lockfile and...
# general
Is it a bug that you first generate a lockfile and then on the same machine you try to run tests it fails on, or is this somehow expected and we should generate lockfiles differently?:
Copy code
Failed to resolve compatible artifacts from lock pants-utils/3rdparty/python/python_ubuntu_lockfile.lock for 1 target:
1. /home/azureuser/.pyenv/versions/3.9.12/bin/python3.9:
    Failed to resolve all requirements for cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_31_x86_64 interpreter at /home/azureuser/.pyenv/versions/3.9.12/bin/python3.9 from pants-utils/3rdparty/python/python_ubuntu_lockfile.lock:

Configured with:
    build: True
    use_wheel: True

Dependency on scipy not satisfied, 1 incompatible candidate found:
1.) scipy 1.10.1 does not satisfy the following requirements:
    <1.9.2,>=1.8 (via: scikit-image<1.0.0,>=0 -> scipy<1.9.2,>=1.8; python_version <= "3.9")
Are you saying that lockfile was generated successfully and when you try to run the tests, it fails with this error?
Yes exactly, I run lockfile generation and tests right after each other.
Hey did this ever get resolved? I think I'm having the same error?